It was a strange start to Term 2, with a full week and then a very short three-day week for students with ANZAC Day falling on Thursday. It was great to see our students marching in their College uniform at several local ANZAC Day marches.
It was also very pleasing to see such large crowds at the Dawn service in Harvey, including a large contingent of staff.
Staff PD
Friday was an opportunity for staff to come together and participate in some Professional Development as we had no students on site.
Open Day Uniform
Please ensure your child has a clean , unmarked uniform to wear on the Open Day.
This week has seen the local netball competition kick off in Harvey with several students involved in a couple of different competitions. I believe we started off with a large victory on Tuesday evening with the College team. Well done.
Student Motor Vehicles / Leaves
The College operates on trust and we need to have confidence that both students and parents are signing off on leaves that are correct. With so many students driving, there is much more risk attached to leaves to and from the College.
The College has been very accommodating with students being able to drive off site for various types of leave other than to and from the College for the purposes of weekend leave.
In fact, the Motor Vehicle Policy reads.”There may be a rare occasion where students are permitted to use their vehicles at the Principal’s discretion”. Consideration will be given to the urgency and nature of the purpose (whether it can be shifted to another time) and whether the student can be transported by College staff.
Unfortunately, some students have recently been taking advantage of our good will, this may force us to withdraw this privilege. Most other Boarding Colleges in Australia don’t even allow vehicles onsite. This would be very disappointing and something that would disadvantage all students and their parents. I certainly hope we don’t have our hands forced over this issue.
Cockburn Ice-Skating Cancelled
This weekend’s excursion to the Cockburn Ice Arena has been cancelled as a lot of students withdrew this week, which made it not viable. It has now been rescheduled for Saturday 15th June 2024.
Shearer’s Singlets and Jumper’s
These all arrived this week and look great once again. There are a couple of student’s who took responsibility for the design, planning and ordering of the entire process. I must thank Tahlia Reichelt and Reid Becker for doing an amazing job of arranging this whole process.
They put out an expression of interest to the students, then confirmed the orders and had staff and students sign off on the orders. Once all the money was received, the order was placed. This order was the biggest we have ever made, over $6000.00 worth.
All singlets and jumpers turned up this week, they were sorted into sizes, confirmed all were correct, before being issued to students and staff. It was all very professionally handled by Tahlia and Reid, it was a pleasure working with them. Well done.