St James Executive Leadership 

Principal and Deputy Principal News 

Principal News

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome back to a new Term

Welcome back to Term 2! I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable break, filled with moments of joy and relaxation.


As we embark on this new term together, I wanted to take a moment to express my excitement and optimism for the weeks ahead. Term 2 brings with it fresh opportunities for learning, growth, and connection within our school community.


I want to extend a warm welcome to our new students and families who are joining us this term. We are thrilled to have you as part of our school family and look forward to getting to know you better.  To our returning students and staff, welcome back! Let's build upon the successes of last term and continue to strive for excellence in everything we do.


As we work through Term 2, let's remember the importance of our school values: Respect, Courage, Excellence, Inclusiveness and Compassion. Together, we can continue to create a positive and nurturing environment where every individual feels valued and empowered to succeed.  I'm confident that with our collective efforts and dedication, Term 2 will be filled with memorable experiences and achievements.


Wishing you all a fantastic start to the term!





Yesterday the students in year 3 received the Sacrament of  Reconciliation. Some of the students received a blessing.  It was lovely to see the students go up to Father Ian and whilst initially looking anxious, leaving with a smile on their face. 


Thank you to Jess, Celeste and Emma for preparing the students to receive.  


I want to take a moment to talk about something very important: Reconciliation. The word  might sound big and complicated, but it's really about something simple yet incredibly powerful for our school community.

Reconciliation means coming together, understanding each other, and making things right when they've gone wrong. It's about building bridges of friendship and trust, even when we've faced challenges or disagreements.



As we approach Anzac Day, it's essential for us to pause and reflect on the sacrifices made by brave men and women who served our country. Anzac Day holds a special place in our hearts, commemorating the courage, resilience, and unity that define our nation's spirit.


This year, let us honor the Anzacs by remembering their selflessness and dedication to protecting our freedom and way of life. Through their sacrifices, they have left us a legacy of courage, integrity, and mateship that continues to inspire us today.


As a school community, let's take this opportunity to learn about the significance of Anzac Day and the stories of those who served. Through education and remembrance, we ensure that their sacrifices are never forgotten and their spirit lives on in our hearts.


May we also reflect on the values of peace, unity, and understanding, which are at the core of Anzac Day. Let's strive to embody these values in our daily lives, fostering a sense of belonging and respect within our school community.

On this Anzac Day, let us come together as one, united in gratitude and remembrance, as we pay tribute to all those who have served and continue to serve our nation.

Lest we forget.


HOLT Soccer Competition 

CONGRATULATIONS  to our Girls soccer team for winning the HOLT District Soccer Competition for the second time in a row!  We are very proud of the way you all played, demonstrating teamwork and winning all your games on the day.  Thank you and well done to our boys team for playing all your games and giving it your best. 

A BIG thank you to our school parents for supporting on the day, especially Susan and Gianni for coaching! Thanks also goes to our St James Staff especially Mrs McNamara for organising our participation and training. The team were so excited to share their achievement with their classmates as they triumphantly returned to school.  

Well done St James, an amazing achievement 👏👏👏


CEO Vinnies sleepout

I have some exciting news to share with you all. I've decided to participate in the upcoming Vinnies CEO Sleepout for the second year. 


This event is a powerful way to raise awareness and funds for people experiencing homelessness in our community.


By taking part in the Sleepout, I aim to lead by example and demonstrate our school's values of courage and compassion.  I encourage each of you to join me in supporting this cause. Whether through donations, or spreading the word, every contribution makes a difference in the lives of those in need.

Let's come together as a school community and make a meaningful impact through our support of  the Vinnies CEO Sleepout.

Thank you for your commitment to making a difference.



Drop Off / Pick Up Zones

Our drop off and pick up areas will remain in place. St James and Osbourne Close will be kiss and go areas for drop off and a quick pick up at school dismissal. However, we now ask that you park within the bays allocated in St James Close and supervise your children entering the school grounds.  Please be aware that this parking is a 2min parking zone. There is ample parking on North Road if you wish to enter the school at drop off and pick up times. Please be mindful of our neighbours when parking. 


I am aware that a number of families have expressed safety concerns with the current situation in dropping off and picking up in St James Close.  Some of you may be aware that parents have received parking infringements for dropping off students in St James Close and not adhering to the signage.  I am well aware of these concerns and can assure you that I am actively working on a solution.


School Security

If you are dropping off or picking up students between 9.00am and 3.30pm, please ensure that this is done so via St James Close and the front office.  For security reasons we would like to ensure anyone entering or leaving the school during class time does so via the main entrance. Thank you!


School Marketing 2024 / 2025

A friendly reminder that  enrolments for the upcoming school year will be closing soon. If you're an existing family at St James or you know of a family considering enrolling their child at our school, now is the time to complete and submit an enrolment application.

Our school enrolment application form is now available via our school website.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school directly on ph 03 9596-4766 or via email:


Thanks in advance!



  COVID Safe Protocols

St James Catholic Primary School (School Portal) 

Please click here to access the School Portal



Social Media - Please follow, like and share our school Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Feeds. 

School Website:

Twitter:  St James Catholic Primary School, 3186

Instagram:  stjamesbrighton3186

Facebook: @stjamesbrighton3186


Please stay safe and healthy.


Carmelina Corio



Deputy Principal News


Hello Everyone and welcome back to Term 2, 


With a short first term behind us this term is going to be long with 11 weeks of learning ahead of us, but we also have plenty of events and exciting things planned so I am sure it will be a lot of fun! 


As we are now in Autumn, students will have the first two weeks of this term 2 to prepare to wear their winter uniform from week 3 until the end of term 3. Remembering the below list that was created by our wonderful SRC leaders in regards to the wearing of the St James uniform:

  • Please do not wear the sports jacket over summer or winter uniform unless you're wearing your school jumper with it. 
  • Plain white socks with the summer uniform and navy with the winter uniform.
  • Hair ties, clips, ribbons or scrunchies need to be red, white or navy blue. 
  • Studs or sleepers only for earrings. 
  • Bracelets should be kept to a minimum


Please see below key dates for Term 2:

Thursday 18th April-PA Meeting #3 7.30-8.30pm

Friday 19th April-Holt District Soccer LP-selected students only

Tuesday 23rd April- Year 3 Reconciliation

Wednesday 24th April-Twisted Science Excursion

Wednesday 24th April- School Assembly and ANZAC Day Liturgy 

Thursday 25th April-ANZAC Day holiday

Friday 26th April-School Closure Day-Time in Lieu

Tuesday 30th April-Preps in Pyjamas

Wednesday 1st May-Holt District Cross Country (AM) All Year 3-6 students

Friday 3rd May-Virtual Literacy Quiz(Invited Students only)

Friday 3rd May- Round 1 Friday Sport(Year 5 and 6 only)

Thursday 9th May-Stay and Play

Thursday 9th May- School Assembly #2

Friday 10th May- Holt AFL/Netball Round 2 (Year 5 and 6 students only)

Wednesday 15th May- Sleepout BBQ fundraiser

Friday 17th May-Holt AFL/Netball Round 3 (Year 5 and 6 students only)

Saturday 18th May-Mothers Day Lunch

Tuesday 21st May-Year 1 and 2 Faith Night

Thursday 23rd May- Stay and Play

Thursday 23rd May- School Assembly #3

Friday 24th May- Holt AFL/Netball Round 4 (Year 5 and 6 students only)

Thursday 30th May- PA Meeting #4

Friday 31st May- Holt AFL/Netball Round 5 (Year 5 and 6 students only)

Thursday 6th June-Feast of St James Mass

Thursday 6th June-Stay and Play

Thursday 6th June- School Assembly #4

Friday 7th June-Staff Planning Day for Term 3-Whole School Closure for Students

Thursday 13th June-Holt Netball LP(selected students only)

Friday 14th June-Holt AFL LP-(selected students only)

Thursday 20th June-St Vinnies Sleepout -Carmelina

Thursday 20th June- Stay and Play

Thursday 20th June- School Assembly #5

Monday 24th June-Parent Teacher Interviews-1.30pm finish

Tuesday 25th June-Parent Teacher Interviews-normal finish time 3.30pm

Friday 28th June- End of Term finish 3.30pm 


Emma Herbert and Georgia McNamara

Deputy Principals