Principal's Report

Dear families,
This will be the last newsletter for the term, so I would like to take this opportunity to wish all families within the St Brigid’s community a safe, reflective and re-energising Easter break. It is with greater anticipation than usual that I approach the end of term, as I will be taking Long Service Leave for the first two weeks of term 2 and will be back in my office on Tuesday 30 April. In my absence, Fiona Friberg will deputise for me and will manage the email account. While on leave I will be touring Turkey and Greece, and tracing the footsteps of St Paul.
Next Thursday, 28 March, we will hold a smoking ceremony and Flag Raising ceremony to celebrate the installation of our new flag poles. We will be welcoming a number of invited guests including Emma Kealy MP, Councillor Claudia Haenel, Fr Matt Restall and Sr Jacinta Rice as well as an Elder from the Barengi Land Council. This will be a wonderful way to conclude the term. Students will then attend an assembly.
Next week we have parent teacher interviews so classes will conclude at 1:30pm and students may wear casual clothes with a gold coin donation to Caritas Australia for the Project Compassion drive. Then on Thursday, school will also conclude at lunchtime (1:30pm) and bus travellers will be supervised until the school buses arrive at 2:30pm.
Please see the important information below.
Yesterday we had a successful house athletics day, and it was wonderful to see students entering into the spirit of the day with good humour and good manners. The results will be announced at our assembly on Thursday.
This will be the last opportunity for me to publicly thank Fr Matt Restall for his presence and contributions to our college community as Fr Matt will be leaving the parish after Easter to join the Ballarat East parish. Fr Matt has attended our retreats, camps and is a regular visitor to our classrooms and he will be greatly missed. The students will farewell Fr Matt at the assembly on Thursday. God bless you Fr Matt.
Tuesday 26th March
2:00pm – 7:00pm
Bookings are now open on PAM.
Bookings can now be made for Parent-Teacher interviews.
If your child has a teacher for more than one subjects, both subjects can be discussed in one interview time slot. It is recommended that your child also attends the interview. If a teacher is unavailable please call the Front Office on 5382 3545 to make an appointment with that teacher at a later date.
This is student free day while staff will undertake further professional development on trauma informed interventions with Mackillop Family Services.
The PAM information session has been postponed until Term 2. This session is designed to enable all parents, guardians and family members to navigate PAM and will provide more information on how to use the PAM portal when accessing various feedback about your child.
The information session will cover the following topics:
- Accessing results for tasks completed in class.
- Accessing TA reports.
- Using PAM for absences and school activities
More information will be sent to families regarding this session next term.
Information regarding changes to assessment and reporting will be distributed to families at the start of Term 2. Some changes have been made to how students are assessed in classes. Information relating to the use of rubrics and how staff are providing feedback to students and families will be included in this update.
Keep safe,
Gerard Raven