


As I wrote this final newsletter for the term, I reflected on what has been a short but VERY busy Term 1! We have welcomed 10 new staff to the school, who have all settled in beautifully! Education is an incredibly complex and demanding profession. I could not ask for more from my staff, who have given their all this term! Our beautiful kids have done a great job, settling in to their new environments. It was so lovely taking a family on a tour this morning and seeing how settled the children were, truly engaged in their learning. 

As a community, we have certainly faced some challenges this term, with the Australian Grand Prix right on our door step. I was pleased with some of the improvements made in terms of community safety during the AGP period and have noted further improvements that need to be considered for future events. I want to thank the community for your support using the ‘kiss and drop’, although I think I’ll hang up my traffic controller hat for the time being! Please remember that next term, we will resume our regular drop off and pick up arrangements using Lakeside carpark. Cars who enter the service road without traffic control in place, put our students in danger. Drivers also risk hefty fines if parked in the clearway zones. I appreciate your on-going support with this. 


As I mentioned earlier this week, Can Osman will be taking personal leave for the remainder of the year. Can has been instrumental in creating the culture at SMPPS. She is kind, supportive, level-headed and passionate. I know that the children, parents and staff will miss Can terribly but wish her the very best, while on leave. I will introduce our new PE teacher once the recruitment process is complete. 

We also say good-bye to one of our Education Support staff, Joanna Basile. I want to sincerely thank Jo for the outstanding support she has shown our students. Jo’s compassion, and belief in students with additional needs is beyond measure. We wish Jo all the very best in her new position, as she returns closer to home. 


As we look towards Term 2, I would like to congratulate the following Education Support staff on their appointments: Aashna Yadav, Tippawan Rogers and Swapna Garge. Watch this space for introductions early next term. 


With our new Council in place and our office bearers elected, we look forward to beginning our sub-committees. We would love to see some new faces at our up-coming meetings which commence in our first week back, on April 18th. Please read our President, Katrina’s summary of the terms of reference for each committee, in last fortnight’s newsletter. If you are interested in joining a sub-committee, or want to find out more please email Katrina: or myself:


As you might have noticed, we have lots of children riding and scooting to school. With the congestion in the bike shed in mind, we are ordering some new scooter racks that will compliment our current provision. Some of our lovely dads have offered to install the racks early next term.


I really hope that you all have a wonderful, safe and relaxing term break and look forward to an exciting term ahead!







