Mathematics News

Ms Nellie Girgenti

Mathematics Coordinator 

Dear Parents,


As educators at St Francis Xavier, we are constantly striving to provide the best possible learning experiences for our students, and one way we are doing this is by implementing the new K-10 New South Wales Mathematics Curriculum in 2024.

The NSW Government Mathematics curriculum reforms from Kindergarten to Year 12 reflect the latest research in Mathematics education to better prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century. They aim to develop your child’s knowledge and abilities across every mathematics topic using five key learning approaches: mathematical fluency, understanding, communicating, problem-solving and reasoning. This curriculum aims to empower students to become confident and capable mathematicians.

The new syllabus is designed to: 

  • Progressively build on your child’s knowledge of mathematics.
  • Provide opportunities for your child to develop an understanding of mathematical concepts and use mathematical processes to solve practical, theoretical and abstract problems.
  • Allow flexibility for your child to learn at the right level by organising content into stages with a variety of endpoints.
  • Deepen your child’s understanding of how and why mathematical concepts work
  • Help your child appreciate why mathematics is important
  • Encourage your child to work mathematically in a variety of situations by developing their fluency and understanding, communication, reasoning and problem-solving skills.
  • Provide a foundation and pathway to careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) industries. 

Our teachers have been working to familiarise themselves with the new curriculum and develop innovative teaching strategies to bring it to life in the classroom. Through professional development workshops, collaborative planning sessions, and ongoing support from educational experts, our teachers are being equipped with the knowledge and resources they need to deliver high-quality mathematics instruction.

If you have any questions or concerns relating to your child’s mathematics learning, contact their teacher. Meanwhile, to support your child’s mathematics learning at home, encourage them to engage in activities like measuring ingredients for a cake, doing Sudoku puzzles and adding up items as you shop at the supermarket.

Kind regards,

Ms Nellie Girgenti

Mathematics Coordinator