
Education News

Mrs Isabella Barbera

Religious Education Coordinator

The Annunciation - March 25

On Monday, 25th March 2024, was the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord - Mary's total 'Yes' to God's will. The Annunciation's Solemnity celebrates the Angel Gabriel coming to the Virgin Mary to announce to her the special mission God had chosen for her in bearing the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

In the Gospel of Luke, Mary was initially troubled by the Angel Gabriel’s greeting, where he assured her of God’s love for her and told her, “you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus” (Luke 1:31). The Angel informed her how the Holy Spirit would come to her and help her understand God’s power. When she learned of the Good News, Mary responded in a way that showed strength, courage, perseverance, and most of all - love. She is leading us to joy; joy-filled news that Christ was to bring about the salvation of humanity. 

It is with the Holy Spirit that we will carry on and learn to be Christ-like in a society that is changing. We need the Holy Spirit, to help guide us, to be faithful to Jesus Christ and his teachings.

"... behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word." Luke 1: 38

Sacrament of Penance 


Students in Year 3 received their first Sacrament of Penance on Saturday, 23rd March. The Sacrament of Penance is a celebration and experience of the gift of God's boundless mercy, restoring and strengthening our relationship with Jesus. Pope Francis says, “Let's remember that God never tires of forgiving us and that we should never tire of asking him for pardon. When a penitent recites the Act of Contrition, it is a beautiful way of recognising that God is ‘all good and deserving of all our love’.”


Congratulations to the students who made their first Sacrament of Penance, may they continue to be blessed with Jesus’ unconditional love and forgiveness. 


Loving God help us to teach our children that you love us totally and unconditionally.

Help us to encourage our children to grow in love and to learn how to say sorry,

knowing that you always forgive. Give us the courage to pray with our children and to

share our faith with them as we journey together. We ask this through Christ our Lord.





Wishing everyone in the St Francis Xavier Community, a safe and happy Easter. 



Isabella Barbera