Physical Education

Natarsha Kenny

Welcome to Term 2

This term is full of sports fun kicking off with House Cross Country next Friday the 3rd May at Warrandyte reserve. We are looking forward to lots of fun and challenges as students compete in their races.


The grade 5 and 6 students will start off the interschool sports competition in week 3. The sports we are competing in area netball, teeball, AFL and soccer. We are looking forward to lots of fun and a bit of competitiveness.


Most excitedly, this term all ACPS students will participate in a gymnastics clinic run by coaches from The Melbourne Tumbling academy for two weeks. Gymnastics for kids enhances physical development. Providing an outlet for kids to develop skills like strength, flexibility, coordination, balance, and body control, all while laying a strong foundation for a healthy habit of physical fitness throughout a child’s lifetime.


What is my child's PE Focus this term?

This term is a mix of focuses across the school as we develop our Fundamental motor skills, game sense, tactics and specific skill sets.

This term the students are focusing on:


Prep- Running, PMP, gymnastics

PMP stands for Perceptual Motor Program and is a movement-based program which helps younger students to improve their eye/hand and eye/foot coordination, fitness, balance, locomotion and eye-tracking skills. 


Grade 1- Running, Gymnastics, ball bouncing


Grade 2 - Running, Gymnastics, ball bouncing


Grade 3- Running, Gymnastics, striking, fielding, modified invasion games- netball and basketball


Grade 4- Running distance, Gymnastics, striking, fielding, modified invasion games- netball and basketball


Grade 5- Running distance, Gymnastics, striking, fielding, invasion games- netball and basketball


Grade 6-Running distance, Gymnastics, striking, fielding, invasion games- netball and basketball