Middle School 

Grades 3 and 4

The Easter Bunny Came Late to Grade 3/4

On Wednesday 17th March the Grade 3/4's were meeting together to start talking about our upcoming camp when Jo came in with a heavy box that she had tripped over in her office. On top of the box was a letter from the Easter Bunny.


The Easter Bunny said that he had taken a detour and only just made it to school. The Easter Bunny left a tub full of jars that were full of Easter Eggs. The grade 3/4 students had to guess how many eggs were in each jar. There were 15 jars of different sizes.


The teachers then got the students to graph their results. At the end of the day we counted the eggs and students who guessed the correct number were able to win the jar. 

There were a couple of people that were the only ones to guess the correct number for a jar but some of the others had multiple winners. Where there were multiple winners the easter eggs were shared with the people who had guessed the correct number in the jar.

It was great to see everyone very engaged in the eggciting maths task.






Important Dates

Today - Incursion with Jim Poutler - Local Historian (What was Warrandyte like in the past)

3rd May - Cross Country

9th May - Mothers Day Stall

10th May - Mothers Day Breakfast

                  - Grade 3/4 Walk to Pound Bend 

17th May - Grade 3/4 Excursion to Currawong Bush Park

Monday, June 3 to Wednesday, June 5th - Grade 3/4 Camp

10th June - Kings Birthday Holiday

11th June - Curriculum Day

21/22nd June - Shrek Performance