Grade 1 and 2

Term 2 has arrived!


ANZAC Day was commemorated on Wednesday at school in a moving ceremony. Our Student Leaders did a wonderful job of reminding us of the significance of remembering and respecting the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom we enjoy today. This message was supported in our Grade 1 and 2 classrooms with activities commemorating ANZAC Day. Congratulations to all our students who showed respect throughout this important ceremony and thank you to our leaders. We hope they will all go forward and actively make a mark in the world towards a peaceful future.


Our inquiry unit this term is Now and Then. 

Students investigate how the present is different from or similar to the past. They will pose questions about the past and use sources, such as interviews, photographs, artefacts and original video footage to gather information and communicate their understandings.

They will develop empathetic understanding by analysing how daily life in the past differed from theirs.

To enhance the learning experience, it is recommended that artefacts be gathered for the students to study and analyse eg an old telephone, records, cassettes or old toys. Older community members could be invited into the class to discuss their childhood experiences with the students.

To support our learning we are going on our excursion to Mont De Lancey Historic Homestead in Week 6. We encourage all children, educators and adult helpers to come dressed in olden-days clothes where possible.  It is not necessary for children to purchase clothes – just be creative with existing wardrobes (i.e., rolled up jeans, checked shirts, caps and dresses). Attendees will need to wear appropriate shoes and clothing for the day as the weather can change suddenly. Students will need to bring snacks, lunch, and a drink bottle with water.

Have a great weekend!

Ms Zanatta and Miss Buzzini


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