Foundation (Prep)

Welcome to Term 2!

It was so wonderful to see our Prep students eager to return to school after the holidays. We have enjoyed getting back into our learning and catching up with our friends.


It is exciting to see many students making progress with their reading. We have completed reading assessments over this first two weeks and have started focusing on the Magic Words. In class, the students have been introduced to visualisation, which involves making a picture in your head when you are reading. Below are some examples of our visualisations.

During writing lessons, we have produced a shared class write where the teacher scribes the student's ideas. We have copied teacher writing to practise our letter formation in our autumn writing and students drew on their knowledge of letters, to record the sounds they can hear in words, when writing about themselves. 


To kickstart the term, we have revisited some counting strategies to help ensure we reach an accurate answer. The students were then introduced to 'Friends of 10'. These are two numbers that when added together, make ten. We have sung songs, explored the different combinations with blocks and recorded our findings using tens frames. 


Our Inquiry topic this term is titled, Staying Alive. The unit looks at why it is important to look after our bodies, how our bodies change as we get older and familiarises students with the names of different parts of our bodies.


We came up with some questions for our Wonder Wall, which we will research throughout the term.

We will be having some great discussions!


Have a nice weekend,

Mrs Callaway


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