Year 9 Feature

Congratulations to all of our year 9 students for making a great start to the year. They have been actively pursuing opportunities to, ‘be their best self’ which is our theme for the year.
Caroline Chisholm Day was one of the first big opportunities in 2024 for year 9 to give back to our College community. Year 9 students had a variety of different stores, Gardening with Gilmore, Zooper Doopers with Jackson, Hair braiding and coloured hairspray with Kenny, a Photo Booth with MacKillop, a Chip Trolley with Macarthur and a Bake sale with Wright. Students donated products and money to their store and actively promoted their store to raise funds for Caritas.
In classes so far this term, Year 9 have participated in a number of different learning activities, including studying algebra and solving equations in Mathematics - their favourite subject! In HSIE, students have been investigating the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and are eager to start learning about the World Wars. In PDHPE, there has been a buzz in the air with students talking about the game that they have created and need to present to their class. English has been delivering the goods with students working on their own Slam poems, be sure to ask your daughter about hers.
I was thrilled at the enthusiasm and desire of year 9 students wanting to be a part of our College Open Night. Many students actively promoted our college as tour guides and many more assisted teachers as subject helpers. The girls represented our college with pride and enthusiasm and were a credit to the college. Additionally, Year 9 PASS students are to be congratulated on their efforts with the smooth running of our annual College swimming carnival. Many students stepped out of their comfort zone and demonstrated great leadership skills. Students performed a variety of roles on the day. Year 9 have also demonstrated great eagerness to assist our community by volunteering in the canteen and applying to support students as readers and writers for exams.
The new College Sports program has been met with great enthusiasm by Year 9. In term 1 Year 9 students were allowed to select an ‘interest’ for Thursday sport. We had students participating in Ag Club, Art, Cheerleading, Cooking, Drama, Indoor Recreational Games and Yoga. I was delighted to visit the Cooking group one afternoon to see they had just finished cooking up nachos. They also made other delicious treats, chicken tenders and wedges, chocolate brownies and chicken alfredo to name a few. I had the privilege to sit in on scenes from ‘Six Characters In Search of an Author’ performed by the Drama group. The Drama group also performed a series of tableaus that showed the events of Jesus during Holy Week at our Holy Thursday liturgy. Students are to be congratulated for embracing these new opportunities.
A special mention needs to go to Matilda Mobbs who has just finished competing in the Youth Archery Nationals In Canberra. Here she became the Para Female Recurve Youth National Champion, a fabulous achievement. We also wish Matilda luck as she competes in the Oceania Grand Prix at Olympic Park for the Australian National team. The college is very proud of Matilda and all of her achievements.
It has been a busy term so far for Year 9. We look forward to the school holidays for a chance to refresh and reset, ready to take on another term of learning and growth. Upon our return, we will continue to strive to ‘Be the best you can be’!
Mrs Natasha Harper
Leader of Learning Year 9