
New Illness/Misadventure online process
The Illness/Misadventure Assessment Variation form is now ONLINE to make it more accessible for students and their parents.
When should a student complete the Illness/Misadventure Assessment Variation?
When a student is absent on the day before an assessment task OR the day of an assessment task due to illness or a misadventure (eg a funeral) they must complete the Illness / Misadventure Online form to be allowed to sit or submit the task at a later date without penalty.
NOTE: The Illness/Misadventure form must be submitted from a parent/ guardian’s email address in lieu of a signature on a hard copy form.
Where is the online form?
The form can be found on Compass under the ‘Community’ tab, and School Documentation, then click Assessment and Leave. The form is listed under the Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 information.
What goes with the online form?
If the student was unwell, they MUST upload medical documentation (eg a Doctor’s certificate) with the online form.
If the student was absent due to misadventure they must upload a letter of explanation from the parent/guardian. Misadventure is defined by an unfortunate event such as attending a funeral, an accident or emergency, something unfortunate occurring in the family.
A student taking planned leave, such as a holiday, should use the Leave application form, also available on Compass.
What happens next?
The class teacher and the KLA Leader will discuss the application, uphold or deny the application, and then decide on the action to be taken - eg whether the late submission is accepted without penalty, or when the student will sit or submit the task.
The student and parent will receive an email indicating the decision made about the application. If the application is upheld, the action to be taken will be confirmed, or if the application is unsuccessful, the student will receive zero for the task.
We thank you for your support of your daughter in these procedures to ensure equity and fairness for all students.
Mrs Natalie Vella
Leader of Curriculum and Leader of HSIE
HSC Minimum Standard Literacy and Numeracy
All students are required to demonstrate a minimum standard of literacy and numeracy to be eligible for the award of the HSC. All students must complete online reading, writing and numeracy tests to demonstrate that they have met the HSC minimum standards. These tests will be available for students to sit in Year 10, 11 or 12 and even after the HSC. Minimum Standard Reading Test – 45 multiple choice questions Minimum Standard Numeracy Test – 45 multiple choice questions Minimum Standard Writing Test – one question based on a visual or text prompt with up to a 500 word-response Current Year 10 students will complete the online Minimum Standards tests on 3 June. Students will have an opportunity to complete a practice online test in the lead up to the online testing. These tests should not be a source of concern for students or parents. Please be assured that the teachers are working with your daughter to ensure she is developing the necessary skills to meet the minimum standard of literacy and numeracy. If you have any questions about the minimum standard requirements, please contact Mrs Smith at the College.
Mrs Leanne Smith