From the Senior Leadership

Dear parents, carers, students and friends of Chisholm,
Thank you to everyone for your ongoing commitment to our college. There has been so many activities that have engaged our Chisholm students from Catechist service work, to house initiatives to excursions and incursions. Thank you to our staff and students for your willingness to always give your best and seek ways to support others in our community and beyond where we can make a difference to the lives of many such as Project Compassion- Caritas, and supporting DV West through our awareness raising campaign.
This week we held our first Parents as Partners Hub meeting for 2024 with a focus on our strategic vision raising our learning expectations even further to ensure our Chisholm students are able to continue to excel and exceed expectations in their learning growth. I am very appreciative of the parents who attended and were able to identify areas of affirmation and commendation in learning, faith and wellbeing. We will continue to build our positive partnerships through our invitations for liturgies, focus groups and meetings to be able strengthen the work we do together for the benefit of providing quality learning and wellbeing, and faith formation. The PIVOT survey that explores the wellbeing status of our girls we also presented by Mrs Sonya Peters who shared the results of our girls indicating their strong connection with friends and sense of belonging to the college community. We will share with you the areas of that our students have identified that they need further support in such as advocacy for themselves and friends in relation to social issues. Thank you to all parents who were able to join us on this occasion.
It has been a wonderful event filled term, which has allowed our students to connect, grow, step out of their comfort zones and donate to the less fortunate. Further to this, our Year 10 and Year 11 students have completed their first set of formal assessment tasks. It is extremely important for both student and parent to have a clear understanding of the requirements surrounding these formal assessment tasks as they do differ to what takes place in Year 7 - 9. Due to their formal nature, the requirements put in place in relation to illness / misadventure, plagiarism or cheating are set by NESA. In situations where the correct procedures have not been followed this may result in your daughter receiving a zero mark for her task. We are also working to ensure these processes are further streamlined for ease of access in these circumstances.
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA)
Every year the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) collects student background data (SBD) for all Australian schools to use in responding to the needs of local students based on language status and background. The type of data collected includes each student’s date of birth, gender, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status and language other than English spoken at home, each parent/carer’s school education, non-school education, occupation group and language other than English spoken at home. Please be assured that all personal information is removed from the data collected. As part of its compliance requirements, Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese (CSPD) is currently working to provide relevant details to the Catholic Education Commission of NSW. If you do not want your child's data included in this report, please advise the school by Friday 19 April 2024.
We thank the Lord for his blessings and hope that all of our families had an Easter full of joy and peace.
Cathwest Innovation College Information Session for students in Year 9 and Year 10
On Tuesday 9th April Mr Paul Stenning, Principal of Cathwest will present information about courses of study available to students. Further information is available on the Cathwest Innovation College Website.
Uniform Reminders
From the start of Term 2 until at or near the end of Term 3 it is compulsory for blazers to be worn to and from the college every day other than Thursday. If students do not have a blazer these must be ordered as a matter of urgency so they are ready to be worn at the start of Term 2. As the weather gets cooler, a College jumper can be worn under the blazer as a layer of warmth. We also have a junior and senior college long sleeve white blouse that can be worn throughout the year. No other white long sleeve shirts are to be worn underneath the short sleeve college blouse. Navy stockings are optional and can be worn throughout the year.
All uniform items can be purchased at Lowes in Penrith Plaza. If you have junior or senior blazers that you would like to donate to the college please send them in with your daughter to student services or reception. These donations will be greatly appreciated.
Study Skills Tip
Maximising Your Study Efficiency - The 80-20 Rule
Are you tired of spending countless hours on assignments only to realise that much of that time was wasted on unnecessary tasks? It's time to work smarter, not harder, and the key lies in understanding the 80-20 rule.
The 80-20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, suggests that 80% of results come from just 20% of efforts. How can you apply this principle to your studies? Let's break it down.
1. Choose the Right Goal: Before diving into any task, it's crucial to identify your goal. Ask yourself: What do I want to achieve with this assignment? Focus on the 20% of goals that will yield 80% of the desired results. For instance, if your goal is to write a persuasive essay, identify the key points or arguments that will make the most impact.
2. Choose the Right Task: Not all tasks are created equal. Some tasks contribute significantly more to your goals than others. Prioritise tasks based on their importance and relevance to your objectives. If research is consuming too much of your time, consider focusing on the essential sources and information that directly support your main arguments.
3. Choose the Right Action or Strategy: Once you've established your goals and tasks, it's time to determine the most effective actions or strategies to achieve them. Break down your tasks into actionable steps and concentrate on the 20% of actions that will generate 80% of your desired outcomes. For example, if you're studying for an exam, identify the key concepts or topics that are likely to appear and allocate more time to mastering them.
Remember, every task consists of three components: the destination (goal), the route (plan), and the action (steps). By focusing on the critical 20% of each component, you can optimise your study approach for maximum efficiency and results.
In your academic journey, prioritise activities that align with your goals and contribute the most to your success. By adopting the 80-20 mindset, you'll not only save time but also achieve better outcomes with less effort.
So, the next time you embark on a study session or tackle an assignment, think about the 80-20 way of working smarter, not harder. Identify the tasks and actions that truly matter, and focus on these.
All secondary students and parents at our school also have access to a great study skills website to help students develop their skills. Go to and enter the following
USERNAME: forccconly PASSWORD: 55results.
Mrs Julie Petrovski and Ms Debbie White
Assistant Principals