From the 




Dear Parents / Carers,


We have had a wonderful start to the new term. We commenced Term Two with a Curriculum Day that focused on the teaching of mathematics. The presenter was Andrew Lorimer-Derham who is a passionate educator, committed to working with teachers so that they enable all students to develop a love of mathematics. We want to excite all our students so that they become lifelong learners who continue to learn outside the formal school day. Andrew will be working in our school every Wednesday for the entire Term Two.


Term Two, Autumn is a very bountiful time in our kitchen garden. Students have harvested the watermelons and the persimmons. They have also planted for the new season.


A highlight for our students has been the Colour Spectacular School Run 4 Fun. This would not have been possible without support from our parents. Thank you to Sharon, Kieron, Sarah V, Teresa, Theo, Stevie, Sarah C, Stella, Dora, Hayley, Shamim, Tegan, Karen, Bernie, Voula, Cherie, Leah, Marina, Danielle, Zen, Karla, Andrea, Sam, Lachlan and Tiffan.


Rowville Primary School will be closed on Thursday 25 April for ANZAC Day. The spirit of ANZAC will shine brightly on Thursday as Australians participate and watch parades in huge numbers. Its meaning for Australians is evident in the way we drop our differences and come together on this sacred day.


We held a special ceremony to observe ANZAC Day this morning. Our student leaders lead the assembly with readings and poems. Candles of remembrance were brought forward.  The ceremony gave us a chance to express our gratitude for those who served our country. Sprigs of rosemary were distributed by our student leaders. Rosemary is a symbol of remembrance and is worn on ANZAC Day in memory of the fallen.


Our student leaders spoke on the meaning of ANZAC Day. It is a day that unites Australians in grief but also inspires national pride. We must never allow the sacrifice of those we remember to be forgotten. For it is their sacrifice that allow us to enjoy life we have here in Australia. May we never cease to remember and may we always remember to pause on this day.


A lesson learnt from our brave soldiers is one of resilience. We can only admire the resilience shown by the ANZACS and reinforce this value with our students. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks no matter how hard or unfair and be prepared to deal with whatever lies ahead. Research on what protects young people against adversity has been conducted and the following factors have been found to contribute to resilience in young people:



  • Having a sense of belonging or connectedness to family.
  • Having a warm relationship with at least one parent.
  • Having some traits or characteristics that are valued by other family members.

Personal Factors

  • Having developed a talent, or healthy interest.
  • Reacting to social situations and responding to other people’s interactions.
  • Having a pleasant temperament and reasonably calm level of activity.

Peer and Adult Support

  • Having a sense of belonging and connectedness to school. This doesn’t always correspond with academic performance.
  • Having someone who believes in you.
  • Having a positive relationship with a significant adult outside the family like a teacher.

Resilience does not simply happen by magic. It is a capacity that must be promoted and encouraged in children so that they learn to face, overcome, be strengthened by, and even transformed by tragedy and misfortune.


Everybody in the school community has a role to play in creating a safe and caring school community. A safe and caring school is a place where staff, students and parents align behind a shared vision that is based on collective safe and caring values. 


It is a place where everyone treats others fairly, with respect and kindness, and acts in a socially responsible way. The members support and care for one another so that everyone can succeed both in school and in life. 


Kind regards,


Anne Babich
