Chatham Happenings

Foundation ‘Living Safely with Pets’ Incursion
As part of our focus on Biological Sciences this term, the Foundation students participated in ‘The Living Safely with Pets Program’ on Friday 15th March. This program educated the students about the times when they should leave dogs alone, how to recognise the warning signs when interacting with a dog, when it is safe to approach a dog and how to do it safely, what to do if they are approached by an unknown or angry dog and the various things that dogs need for their survival. During the incursion, the students enjoyed learning new information and interacting with the dog named Babka. Foundation KB are very excited to participate in more incursions and excursions in the future.
Ms Kirstie Briggs
Foundation Teacher
Harmony Day 2024
Our school yard was absolutely buzzing with excitement on Monday morning as students arrived dressed-up and full of enthusiasm for our whole-school Harmony Day celebration.
Whilst many students and staff wore national colours or traditional national dress to represent their family’s background, others chose to wear orange, the symbolic colour of Harmony Day. This was a great opportunity for students to talk to their families about their cultural heritage and students certainly arrived prepared and full of information to share with their classmates! Indeed, teachers spent the morning exploring and celebrating the diverse cultural backgrounds of the students in their grade, with students relishing the opportunity to proudly discuss their family’s heritage. It was truly inspiring to hear.
During the middle session of the day, students were split into multi-age groups across the school to learn about 12 of the 30 countries that represent the backgrounds of our student population.
Throughout these sessions, students learnt about their particular country using fact sheets pre-prepared by our Year 6 Junior School Councillors. Our teachers also spent time sharing their extensive knowledge of these focus countries, which was just wonderful. Our senior students worked in partnership with our junior students to create a beautiful large flag along with mini flags to be used at our whole-school Harmony Parade. Students also enjoyed making national dress 'paper people', along with friendship bracelets for both themselves and others - an activity symbolic of living in harmony with one another. It was also marvellous to hear traditional national music playing from classrooms as well as students learning simple greetings in other languages.
The activities culminated in a Harmony Parade in the Hall with family and friends in attendance. Our wonderful Year 6 Junior School Councillors hosted this event, calling upon each country group to parade around the School Hall to traditional cultural music, proudly displaying the flags they had created. This was a fantastic chance for our school community to come together and celebrate cultural diversity and the key messages of the day around inclusion and acceptance.
Many students and staff also enjoyed our special ‘A Taste of Harmony’ lunch menu, with international delights such as spanakopita, arancini balls and spring rolls on offer this year. This was thoughtfully prepared by our Canteen Manager, Ms Jo Paterson and our Kitchen Garden Coordinator, Ms Leda Semercioglu, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank both Jo and Leda for their support of this initiative, along with Ms Tina Casey, Ms Judy Holland, Ms Dimitra Ouliaris and Mr Chris Cotching for their assistance with preparations, and our whole Teaching and Integration Staff for their enthusiasm for this event and highly engaging delivery of all the activities.
A special mention goes to our Year 6 Junior School Councillors - Ava, Seb, Abhya and Chloe - who worked very hard to prepare the activities for the day. Well done and we look forward to more exciting events facilitated by these students throughout the year.
By all accounts students really valued the opportunity to work in multi-aged groups to learn about all the wonderful aspects of life that we now enjoy in Australia that have been a direct result of migration to our country.
What a fantastic day we had celebrating cultural diversity at Chatham!
Ms Georgina Kirwan
Assistant Principal
AFL Incursion
As members of the Richmond Football Club catchment, on the 19th March, Chatham Primary School was very lucky to have four players of the Richmond Football Club attend the school for a Q&A session. Hugo Ralphsmith, Thomson Dow, Jack Ross, Kane McAullife and Kamdyn McIntosh attended the school for the Years 4-6 students to ask questions and discuss the lives and careers of these sporting stars. This was a great opportunity for our students to see how much hard work and dedication goes into creating a professional career and achieving personal goals. The students and players played some games together and the students who answered questions correctly received water bottles. It was a very positive day for everyone involved.
Mr Walter Boulton
Physical Education Teach
Winners of Jess Wilson MP - Easter Colouring Competition
Congratulations Leopold and Lyla.