Principal's Report
with Mr Christopher Cotching
Principal's Report
with Mr Christopher Cotching
What a magnificent and engaging term we have now completed. Again, it has been filled with the many traditional events that mark the culture and rituals of our school and the many events that are of this time, and the emerging and exciting initiatives that will be driving us into the future. These have included the school beginnings of our confident Foundation students; the extraordinary Year 5 & 6 Camp to East Gippsland; our Summer Interschool Sport for Years 5 & 6; the emergence of our Year 6 Leaders; Parent-Teacher- Discussions and Information sessions; our Junior School Picnic afternoons, our recent celebration of Harmony Day on Monday and last but not least, the launching of our Kitchen Garden with students at this stage from Years 3 and 4.
Our recent experience with Harmony Day on Monday 25th March was an overwhelming success due in no small part to the forensic organisation and leadership provided by our Assistant Principal Ms Kirwan and our Year 6 Junior School Councillors. All students were placed in multi-age groups and were involved in cultural activities concerning one of twelve nationalities represented on this occasion. Again, such experiences are about building inclusiveness and affirming and celebrating the cultural heritage and history of each of our students and their families. It was also wonderful to see so many parents present on Monday at our Assembly and parade to witness and celebrate the efforts of students and staff.
School Council 2024
Our first School Council meeting was held on Monday 18th March and was yet again an energising and motivating experience for us all. Of important discussion was the recent survey results conducted by our Chatham Parents Club. It was extraordinary to see and discuss the responses from 107 parents in relation to how they believe the hard-earned fundraising efforts of the school should be spent in the coming year. The results were insightful and frankly cathartic and rewarding. Our parents identified the following matters of priority. We were delighted with the high level of alignment between what our parents saw as a priority and what we also believe needs to be addressed.
The priorities for spending were the following:
1. STEAM Education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) I am delighted to advise that Mr Norris, Ms Spivak and Ms Minshull with support from Ms Kirwan and myself are reviewing the curriculum scope of our STEAM area with a classroom now set up for this purpose. This is located in the southeast corner room of the upper level of the main building. All classes are scheduled for a STEAM session of one hour per week and we are involved currently in reviewing our curriculum provision here and ensuring that we have the necessary materials and technical resources to support our program. The contribution of the Parents Club to this area is wonderful. We are hopeful that by the first meeting of the School Council on Monday 22nd March we will have a resource proposal for this area.
2. Technology Update
Again, the alignment here is fabulous. We are very aware of a significant number of our iPads and laptops that need replacing and/or updating in order that we can use the necessary platforms, apps and other software. Again, I expect to have a proposal that we will be presenting to the School Council in April/May.
3. Library and Classrooms
The continuing development of our library is crucial to the provision of our literacy and literature provision. Whilst we have a tax-deductible fund which parents importantly contribute to enable the purchase of books and related technology, we also are planning to develop the capital works provision of this space. The Victorian School Building Authority has endorsed our preference for us to use the residual funds left over from the Capital Works Program to develop this area. Last year we engaged architects, Williamsboag Pty Ltd to complete drawings for the development of this area. We are managing the project nevertheless with support from the VSBA and plan hopefully in the June/July student break to have the area re-painted and carpeted. We then expect to provide needed and appropriate furniture including a borrowing desk and related technology. Currently our students have one hour per week in the Library with their class teacher and can visit the library four lunch times per week.
4. Arts and Music Program
Recently Mr James Rampant our teacher of the Performing Arts and Music opened a new area for our provision. This is located opposite the new Visual Arts Centre. He has also created a wish list of equipment and materials to support teaching and learning in this area. Again, the interest of our parents in this area is appreciated and we look forward to progressing our plans in this area.
5. Grounds and Facilities
Our students are very aware of the need to continue to update our play equipment and provide important sports equipment. Last year a group of our Year 5 students lobbied hard to get new soccer goals which they could move and use for their passion in this area. We now have the support to bring this to fruition and our students have been busily dealing with Mr Boulton our Physical Education and Sport Teacher and a sales representative from Ross Haywood Sports to get the best outcome. Again, the support of our parents is so needed and timely here.
6. Kitchen Garden
There has been enormous interest and support for this area. Our recent working bee also assisted to get much done and we now look forward to connecting the three large plastic water tanks to provide a reliable and sustainable water supply for our plants. Our Year 3 & 4 students with coordination by Ms Robinson and active leadership and drive by Ms Semercioglu, have had this program up and running on a Tuesday with preparation of Kitchen Garden vegetables and related cooking and dining experience. This is progressing so well and we look forward to further work next Term.
The first meeting of our new School Council was also significant in welcoming new parents and joining up again with those who have been already part of this community fabric. Our School Council comprises:
Mr Daniel Heath President
Ms Sophie Rigg Vice President
Mr Richard Struthers Treasurer/Convenor - Finance Committee
Ms Georgina Kirwan Minute Secretary/Convenor - Education Committee
Mr Ashley Davies Convenor – Building and Grounds
Ms Caroline Kennon Convenor – Fundraising Committee
Ms Jacquie McGowan President – Parents’ Club
Ms Kristy Mcilvenna
Ms Anita Buccieri
Ms Renae Hanvin
Mr Ashley Nasiakos
Mr Christopher Cotching Executive Officer
Please be advised that following the School Council Election process there still exists one casual vacancy for a parent member on the School Council. If you are interested in joining our School Council as a parent member in this category, please contact me at your convenience. Our next School Council meeting is scheduled for Monday 22nd April 2024.
School Review – February / March 2024
On Tuesday 26th March we were delighted to have our final day for the School Review. We convey our appreciation to those staff and parents who provided feedback to the reviewer and Review Panel through the course of this process. This was highly important in assessing the progress we have made over the last four years and the goals and key improvement strategies for the next four years, as central to the School Strategic Plan 2024 - 2028. Within six weeks we will have a final report from the School Reviewer, Ms Natalie Toohey, which in the first instance I will share with the School Council, and thereafter the school community.
Our School Review Panel comprised:
Ms Natalie Toohey School Reviewer
Ms Lisa Cuthbert NEVR – Education Improvement leader
Ms Erika Bienert NEVR – Senior Education Improvement leader
Ms Georgina Kirwan Assistant Principal
Mr Zac Barry Mathematics Leader
Ms Kirstie Briggs English Leader
Mr Christopher Cotching Principal
Mr Daniel Heath School Council President
Mr Marcus Wicher Principal invited from Auburn South Primary School
Ms Karen Wilson Manager, School Improvement Unit – Department of Education
I convey our appreciation for all involved and for our President of the School Council, Mr Dan Heath who freely gave of his time to attend.
Whilst there is a great deal of positive focus and learning from this experience, the following is of interest I believe to us all, as we strive to do the very best for each of our students in our care.
On the Final Day of the School Review scheduled for Tuesday 26th March we were involved in reviewing the progress the school had made in relation to three terms of reference. These comprise:
Throughout the School Review process the School Review panel was also charged with the role of establishing the effectiveness of our Professional Learning Community Teams. These comprise Foundation to Year 2 being led by Ms Kirstie Briggs; Year 3 & 4 being led by Mr Sam Norris; and Years 5 & 6 being led by Mr Zac Barry. Again, the focus of these PLCs will be critical in the development of our school over the coming months. The ten principles of effective PLCs comprise the following:
Generally these Professional Learning Teams meet once per week with a combined focus upon the analysis of student data, planning for student differentiation and amongst other priorities, moderating on student assessment tasks. The creation of composite classes at Years 1-6 has contributed significantly to the combined support and action for all students across the school as teams of teachers reflect on the progress and achievements of all students at their composite year levels.
Again, I hope all students and their families enjoy the student break and return recharged and excited about the many opportunities before them in Term 2.
Christopher Cotching