Prep Spotlight

Bronwyn Fensham

Our newest CSPS community members have had an amazing start to school. Our Preps have been learning what school is all about and our various roles within a school, through our Unit of Inquiry into ‘Who We Are’. This ties in beautifully with our focus on Respectful Relationships, including incorporating the Zones of Regulation to support our students’ social and emotional development.


In Maths, learning how to form the digits 1-10 and developing an understanding of how to count with one-to-one correspondence means lots of hands-on learning. We have also been using our ‘super maths eyes’ to be able to determine how many objects are in a group without counting each object. This skill is called subitising and is an important part of developing number sense and an understanding of digits or numbers relating to actual groups of objects.


Our Little Learners have been introduced to Milo Monkey and his friends, learning a new sound each week as part of our phonics program. They are already learning to segment and blend simple consonant-vowel-consonant words with the taught sounds. Some students are also beginning to attempt writing letters to represent the sounds they hear in words. We do daily phonemic awareness activities to assist our students to isolate and identify sounds they can hear e.g. beginning sounds, rhyming words. Little hands also need lots of fine motor activities to strengthen their fingers and increase their dexterity, so we have been cutting, pasting, folding and colouring.


We have also met our Year 5 buddies and look forward to many more activities with them over the year.


Our Preps have had a wonderful first term and we look forward to watching them soar!


Prep Teachers