Year 6 Specialist News -Term 2

Transdisciplinary Theme:
Where we are in place and time
Central Idea:
Modern aboriginal art reflects community life and cultural traditions
Lines Of Inquiry:
- The way various art forms studied in this unit reflect the cultural traditions and contemporary lives of Australian Aboriginal communities
- The way Aboriginal artists reinterpret and innovate upon traditional artistic techniques and motifs to express modern experiences and identities
Key Concepts:
change and connection
Learner Profile Attributes:
respect and creativity
Students Will Create:
- Modelling a ceramic pot inspired by the work of Aboriginal Hermannsburg Potters and the concept of storytelling. Detail design expressing an activity/hobby they enjoy
- Completing painted detail to their Hermannsburg/Greek pots
- Creating a mix medium Aerial Map exploring the use of colour and pattern inspired by the works from Fitzroy crossing in the Kimberley region, which is located, North of Perth in Western Australia
- Totem printmaking using different shaped print plates with detailed designs to construct a totem composition, inspired by the Pukamini poles “Tutini” of the Tiwi Islands
Transdisciplinary Theme:
Where we are in place and time
Central Idea:
Past events shape the present and future
Lines Of Inquiry:
- The history of Samurai time
- The impact of Japan opening its door to the outside world
- Events at this time in Australia and the world
Key Concepts:
causation, change
Learner Profile Attributes:
reflective, inquirer
Language Focus:
Revision of self-introduction in Japanese (name, age, grade, what they like, etc), self-introduction (family and pets), performing a skit in Japanese learnt since Prep, describing their leadership job in Japanese
Cultural Activity:
Children’s Day in May
Students Will:
- Develop their understanding of how Samurai time started and ended in the history of Japan.
- Learn how, why and when Japan opened its door to the outside world in the history of Japan and what was happening in those days in Australia/ the world.
- Create two sentences with a conjunction word and describe their leadership job using an appropriate adjective.
- Introduce themselves saying their name, age, grade, what they like, their family and pets.
- Perform a skit (a quiz show) in Japanese
- Learn about KODOMO NO HI (Children’s Day) - why, when and how Japanese people celebrate the festival.
Transdisciplinary Theme:
Where we are in place and time
Central Idea:
Present day music and drama is influenced by cultures from the past
Lines Of Inquiry:
- The contribution of music and performance groups to our society
- Migration and multicultural music
Key Concepts:
causation, change, perspective
Learner Profile Attributes:
inquiry, reflective
Students will:
- Explore Drama Games and Drama Exercises targeting specific skills
- Explore characterisations and dialogues
- Tackle short scenes from a selected performance piece
- Rehearse in small groups and then perform to their classmates
Physical Education
Transdisciplinary Theme:
How we express ourselves
Central Idea:
Weall express ourselves differently through movement.
Lines Of Inquiry:
- The way students develop movement sequences or skills as a form of their own creative expression
- The way we express movement in gymnastics and skill movement in invasion games help us create an impression of ourselves
- The way students connect and express their thoughts or beliefs through different forms of movement
Key Concepts:
Perspective- we all have unique qualities that are expressed through movement that shape how we communicate and connect with our peers.
Change- the intensity of the movement can change according to our beliefs or emotions at any time.
Learner Profile Attributes:
reflective and communicator
Students Will:
- Refine the basic and complex motor skills of passing, kicking, throwing and catching in game situations to develop their own style of play. The focus sports are AFL and Rugby
- Enhance their fitness for cross country by challenging themselves to race at their own ability
- Create movement sequences in gymnastics to enhance strength, flexibility, creativity and learn rotational movements with landings
- Express their learning through sequences of movements both individually and with peers