Year 5 News


Dear Parents,


We made it to the end and what a great term we’ve had! Easter is just around the corner. You’ll know if you’ve had a good Easter when you no longer can stand the sight of chocolate. 


Thank you for all of your support and contributions this term. It’s been a quick but full 9 weeks. It has been lovely watching the students grow individually and as a cohort. We are very lucky to work with such a great group of young people each day!


A lot has been achieved:


  • Start Up 
  • Persuasive Writing 
  • Literacy Circles Set Up
  • Morphemes madness
  • Decimals
  • Rounding & Estimation
  • Advertising
  • Swimming Carnival
  • Buddies
  • Harmony Day


Looking forward to Term 2, there is much to be excited about:


  • Week 3: May 1-3 Camp Forest Edge
  • Week 4: May 6 Mon Mothers Day Stall
  • Week 6: May 26 Thurs 100 Years Celebration
  • Week 7: May 28 Tues Athletics Day 


As camp is week 3, we have completed a lot of the preparation this term:


The ‘What to Bring to Camp’ packing list was sent home Monday (also attached below)!! 

Previously, you should have received an email from the Forest Edge Portal asking for your child’s dietary requirements. Please be sure to complete this even if your child has no special needs. 


Next term, our numeracy curriculum will move into exploring the four operations, starting with addition and subtraction. 


We will dive into the wonderful world of narrative writing. Exploring how to build interesting characters, settings and plots!


Within the first weeks of term, the students will make their selections for Literacy Circles texts. Our first cycle will begin after camp in week 4. 


Have a great Easter everyone.


Michelle, Sarah, Michael, Claire, Alicia and Gemma