Year 4 News


Dear parents,


This week we celebrated ‘Harmony Day’. The theme of Harmony Day 2024 is ‘Everyone Belongs’ which links into our school values of respect and empathy.  This year, Harmony Week coincides with Neurodiversity Week. As a school, we will be recognising this also as it too looks at being inclusive, showing respect and empathy towards others within our classrooms. On Thursday, our classes read one of two books based around the importance of our names and how our names link to our identity. We look forward to reading and sharing the schoolbook made up of all our ‘name jars’ which will be placed in the school library.


What's happened in year 4 this week?


English – This week in writing we have continued our poetry focus creating shape and quatrain poems. In Reading we introduced the importance of restating the question when writing an answer. We practiced writing our answers in full sentences. In Spelling this week we looked at the 1.1.1 and 2.1.1 rule. This rule assists us to understand which and why some consonants need to be doubled when adding a vowel ending. 


Maths – This week’s maths we continued to focus on simple fractions and decimals to hundredths.  We have been concentrating on the language e.g. 1.3 is said as 1 and three tenths, whilst continuing to focus on the connection between decimals and fractions.


Inquiry – ‘I Belong and I Can Make a Difference’ This week we have continued working on our small project. Most groups will have completed their data chart and will be organising their information and preparing their presentation to present their project to the class in week 10.


Year 4 Crafternoons - In term 2, the year 4’s will be involved in Tuesday afternoon rotations of craft and sporting activities (exact days and times TBC). We are looking for some parents with experience in crafts or sports who would be willing to volunteer an hour of their time each week to support our students in these activities. 

Please contact your child's classroom teacher if you can assist.



  • We require students to complete a  minimum of 4 nights reading with at least 80 minutes per week recorded in the school diary (Book title, pages read, minutes read).
  • Diary is to be brought to school each THURSDAY signed by parents.
  • Mathletics tasks will be set weekly to support topics in the classroom, these tasks are NOT compulsory homework. 



  1. Punctuality - Please be reminded that school begins at 9am, we are experiencing many late arrivals, or students wandering ‘very slowly’ into class in the morning. We begin our day with an important Morning Meeting which sets students up with a positive start to their day.
  2. Please ensure your child has a water bottle at school each day to bring to their tables with them. It can be very disrupting when students are regularly asking to leave the classroom for a drink of water.

Coming Up:

  • Tuesday March 26th - School X Country
  • Thursday March 28th - End of Term - early finish (2.30pm).


Year 4 Recognition Award - Congratulations to XX for being the recipient of The Student Recognition Award.


This is our final newsletter for term 1. We wish you a happy and safe Easter break and look forward to seeing everyone again at the beginning of term 2..