Year 3 News



Dear Parents, 


Welcome to the end of Term 1.


So much has happened this term, including the School Swimming Carnival, Cross Country, Harmony Day, Junior School Council elections and NAPLAN, just to name a few.  


This week we have been busy wrapping up this term’s topics. The students have all worked so hard and should be proud of their accomplishments in each area.



In Writing, students finished drafting, editing and publishing their Persuasive pieces. These will be on display in our classrooms so feel free to pop your heads in and check them out if you get a chance. Our Grammar lessons have had us looking at what an Independent (main) and Dependent (subordinate) clause is, and how we can use these in our writing to form proper sentences. 


In our Science of Reading lessons and Literacy Rotations, we have continued our learning on Morphology, the study of word-structure, and looked further at Parts of Speech (verbs, subject, noun, adjective, etc). We have investigated different reading strategies to assist with our comprehension, such as Finding Information within a text and Summarising the main points. 



We have finished our focus on Multiplication & Division. We have spent the past week revising division strategies and the links between addition & multiplication, and subtraction & division. We encourage your child to complete the set Mathletics tasks as revision over the holidays, and utilise the Multiplication & Division worksheets posted on Google Classroom late last term. 


Topics for next term

Literacy - Syllables (open and closed, magic ‘e’, c+le) and Morphology (re & un prefixes and tense ed/ing suffixes) 

Writing - Procedural Writing

Maths - Length, Mass & Capacity and Addition & Subtraction

Inquiry - What Makes a Design Go Bang!

Wellbeing - Friendology with Mrs Tucker


Important Information




Homework will remain unchanged in Term 2. We are asking for a minimum of 80 minutes of reading a week at home



We will also continue to set 3 Tasks on Mathletics for the students to complete throughout the week. These will become available Friday afternoons and will be explicitly linked to our focus in class.


Speaking & Listening

Next term we'll be asking the students to complete an Explore & Explain presentation on  - this will link directly to our Inquiry Topic. We will communicate further information regarding this presentation in the early weeks of Term 2. 


We will not be requiring homework completion for the holidays. However, if you would like to work through anything, Live Mathletics is always available. We encourage you to continue reading with your child and asking a range of comprehension questions. A holiday journal is always a great way to keep up on writing, if you’re looking for something extra.


Hats & Drink Bottles

Next term is a hatless term! We have sent these homes to be kept safe until the beginning of Term 4. As always, we ask that your child brings a suitable drink bottle to class to stay hydrated. 



Ensure iPads are kept up to date with the latest software and application updates. We look forward to continuing to integrate them in everyday use. 


Have a happy and safe holiday,

The Level Three Team.