Year 2 News



Dear Parents,


It’s week 9, the last day of Term 1. Wow, hasn’t it flown!

A great time to reflect and celebrate. So many great things have been happening over the last few weeks of Term 1.


What have we been up to in the classroom?

In maths, we have enjoyed our new topic of collecting data, including making and reading graphs and starting to explore number place value. In literacy, we have been revising and assessing all of the phonemes we have learnt so far, as well investigating poetry and rhyme. 


Important dates for this term

Thursday 28th March: Last day. Early dismissal at 2.30 


Olden Days Celebration Day

The students enjoyed dressing up and partaking in olden day activity rotations. The students explored pop art inspired by Andy Warhol; enjoyed some indoor and outdoor games of the past; and explored music through the decades.


Other term highlights were platoons, the excursion to Bundoora Park Farm and Harmony Day.


Happy Easter and have a great break. Thanks for all of your support throughout the term. We look forward to seeing you all again in term 2.


Thank you, 

Year 2 Team