

Easter is not just a day, it is a season that goes until 19 May, Pentecost Sunday. It is good to ask the question – what does Easter 2024 mean for us? Pope Francis points us in the right direction in his 2024 Easter message. He made some points that are valuable for us to reflect on:


The Pope reiterated that the Church relives the amazement of the women who went to the tomb at dawn on the first day of the week.


While recalling the tomb of Jesus had been sealed with a great stone, the Pope lamented that today, too, 'heavy stones, block the hopes of humanity,' especially 'stones' of war, humanitarian crises, human rights violations, human trafficking, amongst other 'stones' as well. 


Like the women disciples of Jesus, the Pope suggested, 'we ask one another: "Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?" This', he said, 'is the amazing discovery of that Easter morning, that the immense stone, was rolled away. The astonishment of the women,' he said, 'is our astonishment as well.'


'The tomb of Jesus is open and it is empty! From this, everything begins anew!' he exclaimed.  


Moreover, he insisted, a new path leads through that empty tomb, 'the path that none of us, but God alone, could open.' The Lord, he said, opens the path of life in the midst of death, of peace in the midst of war, of reconciliation in the midst of hatred, and of fraternity in the midst of hostility.


'Brothers and sisters, Jesus Christ is risen!' he said, noting He alone has the power to roll away the stones that block the path to life. Without the forgiveness of sins, the Pope explained, there is no way to overcome the barriers of prejudice, mutual recrimination, the presumption that we are always right and others wrong. 'Only the risen Christ, by granting us the forgiveness of our sins,' he said, 'opens the way for a renewed world.' 


As part of his Easter message and blessing Pope Francis prayed especially for the Holy Land, Ukraine, Myanmar, Syria, Lebanon, and Africa, as well as for victims of human trafficking, unborn children, and all experiencing hard times.


With new life comes new beginnings. Pope Francis tells us that Easter is a time of beginning anew. As a new term commences, let us renew our commitment to everything we do and to treating everyone with kindness and respect.


May the joy of Easter be reflected in the way we live our lives each day. Let our light shine before others, so that they may see our good works and give glory to our Father in heaven!


Holy Family of Nazareth – Be our inspiration and our guide.

Jesus of Nazareth – Help us to grow in faith, wisdom and knowledge.


For Pope Francis’ complete Easter Message see: