EXCEL Sport Program

2024 Robbie Kearns U14s NRL 9s Tag State Finals
On Wednesday 27th of November, the Year 8 EXCEL Sport program made the long journey to Seabrook Reserve, Broadmeadows, to take part in the NRL Tag state finals. Both teams were really competitive and improved as the day went on. The girls finished with 2 wins and a loss in the regular rounds, this meant that we played in the grand final for the state title against Melton Secondary College. The final score was 8 – 4 and unfortunately, we weren’t able to get the win against a really skilful opposition. Throughout the day we improved our game by passing the ball towards the open side and taking a more team-orientated mindset into the games. It was a fantastic achievement to finish State Runners Up.
By Lucy M
On Wednesday the 27th of November. The entire Year 8 EXCEL Sport group took the bus to Seabrook Reserve to compete in the Robbie Kearns U14 NRL Tag state finals. As soon as we left the bus, we were straight into warmups and getting ready for the games ahead. The boys started the day off a little slow losing the first 2 games, but as the day went our skills and connections between each other got much better leading us to win the 3rd game and progress to the finals where we would fight for 3rd against Mickleham Secondary College. We dominated the entire game and came out with the win and proved that all the training, skills and tactics had all paid off.
By Liam M