From the Teaching and Learning Deputy

Graham Buxton


As mentioned in previous issues of Inspire, at the end of this week, we will be collecting all of the school's iPads to enable us to reset them and set them up as school managed iPads. 

Please remember to remove or copy any important files or images from these devices before Friday or they will be removed as part of the setup process for next year.

Thank you for your support with this process. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at


End of year reports will be shared with families on Friday via the St Paul Parent Portal, which can be found under the 'Useful Links' heading on the bottom of the school website homepage.

You will receive an email on Friday notifying you that reports are available and with instructions for accessing these.

If you have any questions about accessing your child's reports after Friday, we encourage you to contact the front office.


At St Paul, we strive to help families understand their child's learning as well as possible, whilst also honouring them as a whole child. We are required to report on children's achievement against the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards, which gives some information about a child's achievement. But more importantly, we also share with you as parents about who they are as a learner and a person through their effort ratings, reporting on the learner assets, skills that are valuable in all areas of life, and our teachers' written comments. 

Children will be mindful of reports going home and may be anxious about the follow up conversations at home. It is easy to focus on grades in these conversations but even more important is that we honour children's hard work and progress . 

If we can demonstrate to our children that we value their effort, children will be much more open to sharing about their journey as a learner with you.

Should you have any queries about your child's report contents, please reach out to their teacher.


2025 class lists

As well as their report, on Friday you will receive your child's class list for 2025. 

This will include information about who their teacher is and who the other children in their class will be.

We know this is an exciting time for children and families and that it can also bring with it big feelings and some nerves.

Teachers have spent significant time crafting classes to meet the needs of every child and we feel confident that each child will have positive connections in their 2025 class group.

If you have any questions or want to talk about 2025 with anyone, we encourage you to reach out to your child's class teacher, myself or Jess Robinson.

Move Up Morning

On Monday of next week, we will be holding our Move Up morning.

This is an opportunity for children to meet their class teacher and classmates for 2025 and to join in some activities together.

Children really enjoy this time and it helps them to feel connected to their new class before the start of the following year.