
A message from Emily Murcott - Assistant Principal / Wellbeing Literacy


Welcome to the 2025 school year,


This school year has started calmly, and for that I wish to thank you. Parents have a lot of influence over how students begin their day. There may be tears and possibly some resistance for some, but it does not last long once they step inside their school classroom and are engaged in the classroom environment.


I heard from a friend recently, and she made a really good point, "Isn’t it funny how kids are practically angels in their classrooms—so respectful and quiet, but once they're home, they feel free to unleash all that energy they've been storing up?"


Honestly, isn’t that true? But then again, aren’t we the same? As adults, we behave differently at work than we do at home. We save our frustrations, vulnerabilities, and even our less pleasant moods for the people we trust most—the ones who love us unconditionally. Yet, while we seem to understand this about ourselves, we often find it hard to extend the same compassion to our kids. Kids, who are more impulsive by nature, simply lack the years of experience and emotional regulation we’ve built over time. 


So, she decided to shift her perspective. Instead of viewing her stepdaughter acting out at home as an issue, she shared that she has started seeing it as a sign that she feels safe with her. Her step daughter knows she’s loved unconditionally and doesn’t have to bottle up her emotions like she does at school.


From there, my friends goal became helping her navigate her emotions—not just for her own sanity at home, but because she knows she’ll need to master this skill for a better life ahead. 


This lead me to share how important emotional intelligence is for everyone in our community. This is why we as a school focus will be focusing on emotions and self regulation throughout the term. It is the cornerstone of a successful and fulfilling life.


Friendly February

I love Action For Happiness' calendars. Every month Action For Happiness send me a calendar that is like the attached, each with a different focus. I thought this was a relatable calendar for us all as we start the year. Maybe you can share with your family? Maybe you can just do it yourself. It's super simple with some great ideas.




Emily Murcott