Executive Team News
With Violeta Dellidis, Karen Jackson, Brooke Gillis, Kate Newitt, and Dale Thompson
Executive Team News
With Violeta Dellidis, Karen Jackson, Brooke Gillis, Kate Newitt, and Dale Thompson
With only weeks to go, we have much to celebrate! We would like to acknowledge and congratulate each and every one of our students for all of the learning they have achieved this year. We commend them all for not only their academic development, but also their own personal growth as individuals. We look forward to celebrating with our students during the many upcoming events planned in the weeks to come.
Prep Breakfast
The Prep students were invited to attend bright and early in their pyjamas to eat breakfast with their peers. The morning was fun filled with lots of chatter amongst the students as they enjoyed eating cereal, toast and juice. Thank you to all students who participated and to the Prep teachers and other staff who organised the morning and made the breakfast experience fun for the students.
Year 1 Stay Late
Year 1 students were invited to stay late at the end of the school day, as part of the Brookside College camping program. Students stayed at the College from 3:10pm-6:00pm and enjoyed a healthy snack for afternoon tea, watched a magic show and participated in teacher led activities with their peers. To conclude the night, students enjoyed pizza for dinner. The students had a great time with their teachers and peers and now look forward to staying at school even longer when they have the Year 2 Sleepover next year.
Year 4 Camp
Our Year 4 students attended camp at The Golden Valleys Adventure Camp, Mornington Peninsula. They had a wonderful time participating in many outdoor activities which included Artificial Climbing and abseiling walls, Bushwalking, Challenge rope courses to name a few. Students thoroughly enjoyed their time with their friends and were very well behaved. Thank you to staff who attended the camp and shared in the fun with our students.
Swimming Program
Students in Prep, Year 1, 3, & 5 had the opportunity to participate in a swimming program at the Caroline Springs State Swim Centre. Students participated in 5 swimming lessons across the week with a qualified swim instructor and all seemed to enjoy their time.
Year 6 and Year 9 Graduation
The next two weeks mark a special milestone for our Year 6 and Year 9 students, during which they will be participating in their respective graduations. Preparations are well under way to mark this special occasion for our students and we look forward to celebrating this important milestone with them all.
Prep Transition
We have welcomed our 2025 Prep students to the College over the past few Fridays, during which they have had the opportunity to participate in the Prep Transition program. This is a very exciting time for our new students and their families and it has been nice to see so many smiling faces both at the beginning and end of each transition session.
Scholastic Book Fair
The Book Fair is currently running in our library. It will run from: 8:30am-4:00pm Monday 25 November to Friday 6th December 2024 and will be open before school, lunchtime (11am-11.30am) and after school (3pm-4pm) for students/families to browse the wide variety of books on offer.
HOL (Hands on Learning) BBQ and Bake Sale
The HOL café team put on a BBQ and bake sale, to raise funds towards the renovation of the café space to incorporate more storage and bench space. An amazing effort and result, as a
total of $1800 was raised! A big thank you to Sarah and Sonia and to all the HoL Cafe students!
College Captains 2025
Congratulations to our 2025 Brookside College School Captains: Jacob S and Mihaela J. We know that both of these students will represent Brookside College with pride, and we look forward to working with them in their new roles in the coming year.
A huge thank you to our wonderful 2024 Captains Tina P and Mikaela S for all of their hard work this year. Tina and Mikaela put in an amazing amount of effort throughout the year and we are incredibly proud of their leadership and achievements. They have been wonderful role models for all students across the College, and we wish them both the best of luck in their future years.
Freeman House Celebration Day
On Friday 29 November, all students who belong to Freeman House spent the end of the day celebrating being the winning house, for earning the most house points throughout the year.
The students enjoyed hot chips and a drink and played with friends with various sports equipment.
Well done Freeman House!
7-9 Exams
All throughout next week, students across Year 7-9 will partake in exams in the subjects of English and Math. It is a great opportunity for students to showcase and highlight their learning that has taken place throughout the year. The exam period and participation of it also provides students with the experience of exam taking for future schooling years. We wish all the students the very best! Thank you to Ms Rapley and Mr Taylor for the organising and leading of the exam period.
End of Year Concert
On Monday 9th December, our primary students will be participating in the Brookside End of Year Concert, so please mark this date on your calendar. Students have started talking about the event with their teachers and peers and will begin practising in the coming weeks. Gates open at 4.30pm, with P-6 students performing from 5.00pm until approximately 7.00pm. We are looking forward to our community attending this event.
Enjoy your week!
The Exec Team