From our Parent Committee

We made it to the end of another very busy and successful year at CJC where the Parent’s Committee was able to host numerous community events and run many activities for our students and families.
Just this week the PC collaborated with Mr Romano-Egan to hold a thank you sushi lunch for the Grade 6 Student Leaders and the PC funded the Grade 6 yearbook that was presented to each student at the Grade 6 Graduation ceremony last night, marking their time at CJC.
We are also very pleased to advise that we raised approximately $22,000 for our school at the End of Year Party and the Auction. Thank you (again) to all of our volunteers who made this happen.
All of our 2023-24 fundraising efforts will culminate in the construction of the new senior school playground in early 2025. We can’t wait!
We would also like to invite all 2025 families to join us for a welcome back free coffee at CJC on the first day of the 2025 school year for Grades 1 through 6 from 8.50am to 10am. The gates will be open as usual from 8.50am and parents can stay on school grounds until 10am to caffeinate and catch up. The coffee cart will be set up on the World Map area.
We wish a very happy summer holidays to all our teachers, school staff, students and their families, and a warm goodbye to all our departing families.
Amy Pate – President, Julia Yuncken – Secretary, Anne-Sophie Aguado – Treasurer and Martine Inge – Head Convenor.
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