Classroom connections

Cultural dance incursion with our Grade 1s
Last Friday oiur Grade 1’s participated in an incursion where we learnt about dances from different cultures. We got to wear their traditional clothes and outfits and also play their musical instruments!
We learned dancing from around the world, it was so fun!
I learned about different dances from different cultures, we got to wear costumes and play musical instruments!
We did Indian dancing, and dancing from other countries.
The incursion was super fun! We got to learn dances from all over the world, my favourite was North and South America!
Digitech News
5/6 Olympic/Paralympic Device Design 🏂🏋️♀️👩🦽➡️
This semester, the 5/6 students followed the design thinking process to investigate a digital solution for a real problem related to the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Students explored the technology used at the games and ideated new ways in which tech could further enhance the athlete’s performance, safety, or health. Students programmed the micro:bits on the MakeCode application to meet their chosen purpose, and then designed their prototype on Tinkercad. Finally, students justified their design and pitched their idea to their peers through a webpage they developed on Google Sites.
How impressive are their ideas!?
1/2 Digital Art 🎨🌴
Students are putting their digital drawing and Keynote skills to the test by using a photo of themselves and drawing a scene behind themselves that they are excited to enter during their summer holidays.
Jeunes auteurs
Les éléves de CE2 et CM1 ont travaillé ce trimestre sur les albums jeunesse. Après avoir analysé les différentes caractéristiques de ces albums (illustration de tout tout le texte, fin ouverte, phrases courtes et simples etc), ils ont créé les leurs et les ont lus devant des classes de grande sectioni, CP et CE1. Bravo à tous et toutes pour votre magnifique travail !
-Mme Bokobza