Student Awards

Spirit of Mary Aikenhead Award
In embodying the Sisters of Charity, the Gospel values embraced by Mary Aikenhead were love, hope, compassion and justice. We encourage our students to reflect these values in their daily interactions. Students can be nominated by Staff or Community Members. We wish to acknowledge students who actively display one or more of these virtues either by a single action or consistently.
Breeze Downey
For the virtue of Compassion; she is recognised for her compassion, genuine concern for others, and dedication to helping her school community. She has consistently shown empathy and taken meaningful action to support those in need, inspiring her peers through her kindness and leadership. Her selflessness and motivation embody the true spirit of Mount Carmel College, making her a shining example for all. She not only lives the Gospel value of Compassion, she also embodies those of hope, love and justice, embraced by Mary Aikenhead. Nominated by Mr Pikunic and Ms Sluyters.
Olive Hall
For the virtue of Compassion; This student performs random acts of kindness towards others and is always helping classmates in and out of the classroom. She is a friend that is always there supporting her friends who may be going through difficult times. Always offering a listening ear and showing understanding. She not only lives the Gospel value of Compassion, she also embodies those of hope, love and justice, embraced by Mary Aikenhead. Nominated by Mr Lowe and Ms Sluyters.
Ava Cuatt-Bett and Rosie McLean
Two students witnessed a lady have a fall. Without hesitation, they rushed to her side, demonstrating the values of love and compassion. Their actions reflected not only compassion but also justice, as they advocated for the lady's well-being by ensuring she was not left in a vulnerable situation.
Through their kindness, they instilled a sense of hope in the woman, proving that simple acts of human connection can make a world of difference. Nominated by Miss Hudson and Mrs Richardson.
Primary School Certificate of Merit - Term 4
Betty Langdon: for upholding school and classroom expectations, showing ownership with her learning and for being considerate of others.
Khoa Weston: for her continued improvement in developing her friendships, for caring for others and for being a role model to her peers.
Nora Binny: for being a diligent and respectful learner who always tries her best and loves learning new things.
Cali McDonald: for being a kind and respectful member of Prep who is always smiling and having a positive attitude towards her learning.
Year 1
Grace Lynch: for the growth in her positive mindset and maturity. She participates enthusiastically in every lesson and is always willing to help around the classroom. Grace applies gusto and a ‘can do’ attitude to all activities.
Zephie Nally: for her outstanding work ethic and thoughtful demeanour. She tries her hardest at everything, even if it is slightly outside her comfort zone. Zephie is empathetic and sensible, with a twist of cheekiness and fun.
Year 2
Stella Banks-Smith: for her embodiment of the spirit of Jesus. She is empathetic and gentle with her peers, inspiring others to act in accordance.
Azalea Carey: for her work ethic. She always tries her hardest and is a helpful member of the classroom.
Year 3
Olivea Lum: for her perseverance and positive attitude, which have contributed to her exceptional academic performance.
Lottie Morgan: for her tireless dedication and hard work, which have led to impressive academic growth.
Year 4
Violet Burt: for her resilient and positive attitude to learning and her outstanding progress in Mathematics.
Sophia Dewsbery: for her exceptional work ethic and drive to challenge herself, and for her care and support of others.
Year 5
Year 5Ella Brooks: for showing a tremendous attitude in all areas of her schooling and her willingness to go that one step further in showcasing her learning.
Violet Chivers: for her continuous acts of love, such as kindness, empathy, and support, fostering stronger relationships among her peers.
Ellie Huxtable: for consistently striving for excellence across all areas of the curriculum and being a reliable, caring and courteous member of the class.
Willow Nally: for consistently producing thorough and detailed work across the curriculum, and her enthusiasm and commitment in all areas of College life.
Year 6
Isabella Calabrese: for her remarkable generosity, kindness, and compassion for those around her. She is a dedicated hard worker, consistently giving her best effort in all tasks. Isabella’s positive attitude and exceptional work ethic are truly commendable.
Matilda Ghedini: for her exceptional commitment and determination in all she does and for always setting a wonderful example for others.
Amelia Hall: for her continued perseverance and determination in overcoming challenges and always doing her best. Her dedication serves as a great example to others.
Kyra Howard: for her exceptional positive attitude, approaching every task with enthusiasm. Her determination and focus has been evident across all areas of learning, consistently striving for excellence.