Parents & Friends of Mount Carmel

The establishment of Carmel Connections, our new community group for parents, family members and friends of Mount Carmel College, means that the Parents and Friends Committee (P&F) now ceases to operate.
Over the years the P&F have contributed so much to our College, with a hardworking and dedicated group of parents, past parents, past students and friends of the College, giving and committing so much of their time and energy to College events and fundraising. Some of the activities and events organised, run and participated in over the years include:
Twilight Fairs | Quiz Nights | Silent Auctions |
Primary Christmas Nativity | Fashion Nights | Tea Towel fundraisers |
Entertainment Book sales | Krispy Kreme fundraisers | Sock Drives |
Hot Cross Bun fundraisers | Sausage Sizzles | Footy Fun Afternoon |
Movie Nights | Discos & Socials | Christmas Market |
"Afternoon on the Green" | Mother's Day & Father's Day stalls and events | |
Refreshments at Autumn Concerts, College Productions and Musicals |
From these events, the P&F have provided funding towards:
Choral risers for the Cahill Centre | Mobile display boards |
Music Stand covers | Wireless keyboards for iPads |
Playground equipment | 3D printer and STEM based equipment |
Music Scholarships | Storage Shed |
Text Books | Readers for Primary classes |
Cooking equipment for the VET Kitchen | |
Curtains and Refurbishment of the Cahill Centre | |
Support for students to attend interstate tournaments |
These significant contributions, of both time and physical items, has laid a strong foundation for us to build upon as we embark on new ventures together.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has assisted, especially:
Karen Belbin | Susie Bennetto | Janelle Bird | Kristy Burdon |
Frances Conrades | Jane Gear | Maria & Richard Gerathy | Amanda Hart |
Anne Haward | Peter Healy | Caroline Jager | Claire Lennon |
Lynn Milliss | Rebecca Mulley | Sophie Newland | Di Noonan |
Rebecca O’Halloran | Jane Plunkett | Tania Saville | Ian Steele |
Rodney Teague (dec) | Jenny Turner | Jodie Willcox | Emma & Daniel Zeeman |
Carmel Connections
The idea behind Carmel Connections is that it is a space for our community to connect and support one another, contribute to the College, welcome others, exchange ideas, and collaborate. Carmel Connections is not about meetings or fundraising, but rather a space to strengthen and welcome connections between all members of our College. Families and friends can engage in one activity or several, when they can and as they can. It is also a place for community members to contact the College if there is a need for support or an opportunity for action. Examples of Carmel Connections in action could include a call out for a family in need of meals due to illness, a call out for cupcakes for the bake sale or a call out for businesses available to support a College function. Whether you are a volunteer, business owner, a professional, or simply looking to get involved, this network is designed to foster meaningful relationships and enrich our Mount Carmel College community.
If you are interested in joining Carmel Connections, please fill out the Google form via the button below. This is an opportunity to share how you could contribute, share your business details for others to access or access opportunities to enrich the College.