P&F News 


The St Pius X College P&F AGM was held on Monday 30 October with the Principal, Clubs and P&F Executive Committee members providing an update on the progress of key initiatives.  The P&F expressed their appreciation and gratitude to the staff for their excellent support throughout the year.  All P&F Executive Committee positions were vacated and the following were elected to the committee for 2024:


1. President: Eoin Geaney

2. Vice President: Melinda Zanello

3. Secretary: Sonya Sancanin

4. Assistant Secretary: Renee Sullivan

5. Treasurer: (Vacant)

6. Social Co-ordinator(s): Louise Johnston & Rossana Bennett

7. Communications Co-ordinator(s): Luana Sandrone 

8. Class Parent Co-ordinator: (Vacant)

9. NSW Parents Council Representative: (Vacant)


There are currently a number of vacant positions on the Executive Committee for 2024 and we need your support.  It’s a great way to meet new people and support the boys.  Please reach out to the President or another member of the Committee if you wish to learn more.

Mr Eoin Geaney - P&F President


End of Year Celebrations