Pastoral Care 

  • Kokoda Day
  • Remembrance Day
  • Buddies not Bullies Beachwalk
  • St Mary's Bowraville RAP Visit
  • Parent Support Online Expo

Kokoda Day

In preparation for our Kokoda Track Expedition 2024 we were well represented by Tom Reay, Jake Brown, Chris Harris and Rory Rapa at the Kokoda Day Commemorations, addressed by the Governor General David Hurley AC DSC and Major Charlie Lynn OAM.

Held at the Kokoda Track Memorial Walkway Concord we were joined by 2/33rd Bn Association, ex staff members and grandparents representing Forestville and Penshurst RSL: Mr Long, Mr Pratt and Mr Balfour.

Our Year 5 students will visit the Kokoda Track Walkway on 14 November and research the Courage, Mateship, Endurance and Sacrifice of our service men and women.

Students are reminded to bring their recess, lunch, water bottle and wear sports uniform on the excursion day to pay our respects to the veterans who will speak with us and indeed all the men and women who have served our Country. We will return to school for normal dismissal time.

Remembrance Day

This Friday at our College Remembrance Day Commemoration the College community will be joined by the sister, nieces and nephews of Old Boy Jacob de Sisto KIA WWII. The extended de Sisto, Barrett and Taranto families are testament to the tragedy of war having lost the only son and brother of a proudly Italo-Australian family on 18 December 1944. Jacob is buried in Bomana Cemetery Port Moresby Papua New Guinea where our Kokoda – Callan Services Expedition groups have paid our respects to him in 2014, 2016 and 2018. 

During Period 4 on Friday, Year 5 will hear the researched speeches from Year 6 students Jack Munro, Charlie Wilcox and Rory Rapa who studied the stories of Jacob de Sisto, Bede Tongs MM and Ralph Honner MC DSC OAM respectively before they research in preparation for their visit to the Kokoda Walkway Memorial Track on 14 November.

We will be represented at Saturday's Chatswood Garden of Remembrance Ceremony from 10:30 am by Oliver Ryder and Liam Hincksmann of Year 6 along with some of our Student Leadership Team in full uniform to lay the wreath.

Buddies Not Bullies Beachwalk

Members of the Peer Mentoring program are reminded to bring their buddy and see Mr Brannan after assembly on Friday to collect a permission note to attend the Buddies Bushwalk on Friday 24 November.

St Mary’s Bowraville RAP Visit

Students of our Year 7 – 9 RAP Team are asked to see Mr Brannan on Friday to collect a permission note to attend our St Marys School visit departing early Monday 11 December and returning late Tuesday 12 December. Our good friend and Gumbayngirr Education officer Mark Smith, Principal Mrs Nadine Slingsby and Br Steve Morelli are looking forward to our visit and interaction. Looking forward to learning some more “Jargun”.

Parent Support Online Expo


At this busy time of year we wish all students, staff and families well as they cope with Assessment Tasks, Term 4 learning, preparing Academic and Pastoral Care reports and the many commitments of daily life.


Fide et Labore

Mr Sean Brannan - Assistant Principal, Pastoral Care