Classroom News

This is what our students have been up to this week

Exibition Of Learning

Last Thursday our students hosted their exibition of learning in their classrooms.  Students proudly showed parents and carers their own work along with their classmates works.  It was a big turnout and each room looked fabulous.

A special note to the teachers and ES staff who help the children pull this together in the background to show off their works in wonderfull displays.


Prep-1 Class


1-2 Class

2-3 Class

Year 4

5-6 Classes

Junior Sports Day

Yesterday our students across years Prep to 2 traveled by bus to Dederang for the annual Junior Sports Day.  Students across 3 schools joined together in mixed groups to have a go at things like egg and spoon race, tower building, relay races, and many more.  There were many activities on rotaion for everybody to have a go at and I hear the Icypoles on such a warm day where very well recieved. 

STEM with Year 4

Students in our year 4 class with Kathryn have been rnning through some stem activities in smaller groups. 


Mount Beauty Primary School 75th Anniversary

On Saturday our school turned 75.  We hosted students past and present to celebrate such a grand milestone in our community.  We were treated to cake which was cut by a former student - our 1st registered student no less, along with our 2 Prep student representives Finn and Charlie.  Thanks to Rotery volunteers for manning a BBQ to feed many hungry visitors and Barb, Karin, Kerryn, Helen and Ian for pulling this all together to make a memorable event.


Our SRC was also here on the day to take former students through our classrooms which still had their works on display for the exibition.  It was mentioned quite a few times the high standard of work our current students are producing and how proud they are of how far this "little" school has developed over the years.