Principal's Report

By Carolyn Serpell

Many thanks to everyone for supporting last week's Open Classroom, Exhibition of Learning.   It was fantastic to have so many families attending this event, and to hear from a number of families, how much they look forward to this event. Our students certainly enjoyed showcasing their work, and it was great to see the pride that was taken in their presentations.

Pictured (left) are the 1st, 3rd and 6th students to be registered at the school, together with two of our youngest students.
Pictured (left) are the 1st, 3rd and 6th students to be registered at the school, together with two of our youngest students.

Saturday's 75th birthday celebrations were well attended and it was great to have so many of our current students and their families present. Past students, who had travelled from near and far, enjoyed the opportunity to catch up with old friends and to reminisce as they revisited their classrooms, which now felt very much smaller than they remembered!  

Many thanks to Charlie and Finn, for helping to cut the cake, and to the SRC for their representation of the school and assistance in showing people around and answering questions.  I would also like to acknowledge Kerryn and Barb for their organisation of this event, together with the Historical Society, Rotary and John's Coffee Cart.    


On Saturday, the SRC will again represent the school, when they lay a sheath of flowers as part of the Remembrance Day Ceremony.  Anyone who would like to contribute some flowers to the sheath can drop these into the school tomorrow.

Yesterday, students in Prep - 2 had a great time, participating in the the annual Junior Cluster Athletics in Dederang .  Throughout the day, students played Parachute and Balloon games, completed an obstacle course, learnt to Zumba, built towers and played other games like 'Rob the Nest'. This was a fantastic outing and a great opportunity for students to connect with their peers across the cluster.  Many thanks to Dederang for hosting the sports, and to all staff for their assistance on the day.

Next Wednesday, the 15th November,  Emily and students in Prep-6 will present a special performance of their latest achievements in music.  We hope that you can join us for 'Bouncing Bars & Strumming Strings', in the undercover area at 2:30pm.  All are welcome to come along and enjoy the music.


On Thursday, 16th November, all students in Prep - 6 will have the opportunity to participate in age-appropriate First Aid training.  This training is being provided free of charge, through the St John, First Aid in Schools program. 


Parent Teacher interviews will be held from the 20th - 23rd November, and families are now able to make bookings in the 'Conference' function of Compass.


Eligible families can now nominate for the School Student Broadband Initiative.  This  can be done through the National Referral Centre or through a list of National and Victorian organisations. Nominations are open now up until 30 April 2024. Eligible families will then be provided with a FREE connection for 12 months from the date of connection, with installation and initial set-up included in the service. For more information about the SSBI, including eligibility and how to nominate a family, please visit this website


As a school we are conscious of the many different emotions our children and families may be experiencing, in response to ongoing events around the world.  Below are some resources and services that may be of assistance. 

Helping my children after trauma: A guide for parents.