Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

We have passed the midway mark of Term 4! Surprisingly this comes around very quickly every year. As the Year 12s are drawing to the end of their exams, I hope they take the opportunity to reflect back, not only on this year, but on their time at St Joes. 


While there is an unknown road ahead that they are carving for themselves, if they turn around, even for just a short while, they will see the stepping stones that have been laid out for them over the years. Stepping stones that have helped them to grow as learners, to participate in community, to build their resilience and from which to celebrate and embrace all that life has to offer. They have had stones laid down for them by their parents, their teachers, their family and friends, and other important people in their lives and they will see the stones they have laid down for others; through their kindness, compassion, empathy and the joy they bring to day to day life. The future awaits them and we hope they make the most of it. Bishop Joe, a past Bishop of Sandhurst Diocese, was known for saying “God does not make rubbish!” I hope our Year 12s always remember this and draw on the strength it can provide, especially in times of need.


The Year 11s and 10s have wrapped up a busy two weeks finishing off assessment tasks and preparing for exams. We hope the exams prove to be a good learning experience for them and that the preparation they have undertaken will help to relieve them of any stress or anxiety they may be feeling about completing exams. They will soon be embarking on their new Year 12 and 11 programs as they finish the year with a two week step up program. Many stepping stones for growth have been laid for them this term and will continue to be laid over the coming weeks. Students should look out for them as they will pop up when most needed.


And for the Year 7s to 10s, the busy end of the term is also upon them. Walking around observing classes throughout the day I have witnessed most classes preparing for and completing their final assessment tasks. We encourage all students to put in their best effort; to be proud when their report comes out that they have tried their hardest. They need to ask for help throughout this time, as it does get hectic. Asking for help is one of the most important stepping stones we need in life. 


It is also hard to believe the Year 7s are coming to the end of their first 6 months at Kildare Campus. With ongoing building working occurring, the campus is growing quickly and when the students return in 2024 they will be amazed at the transformation that continues to take place around them.


One of the areas we are focusing on across the school for the remainder of the term is to have all students in class, on time. At St Joseph's we recognise that the start of the lesson sets students up for success. Links to prior and future learning are made, the key concepts for the lesson are outlined and instructions are given to get started on the first learning task of the lesson. When students come in late, they miss this vital component of the lesson. Students should be filling up drink bottles, and going to the bathroom prior to the first bell that indicates the end of recess or lunch. By the second bell, students should be in class ready to learn. At the moment, we are seeing too many students outside well after the second bell and this is a behaviour we need to address and see improvement in before the end of the year. 


We hope, as the weeks count down, that all students make a commitment to finishing the year strong. They need to be brave to make the right choices and to be committed to giving all things school related their best shot.



Geraldine Ryan

Director - Brigidine Campus