Today our students took part in our annual P&F Walkathon. The sun was shining and the students were pumped up for the challenge of completing as many laps as they could. There were a lot of red faces by the end of the hour.

Your child will be sent home with a card containing the number of laps they have completed to assit you with seeking donations.

Just a reminder that completed forms and any funds raised are due back to the school by Friday 3rd November in the P&F box. 


** (If you are paying via EFT/Direct Debit please note this on the form and drop it into the P&F box) **




Icy Poles

Warm weather means icy poles return each Monday lunchtime and Friday after school 

during Term 4.

Cost: 0.50c Zooper Dooper or $1.50 Icy Poles



Classes are rostered on each Friday after school, so please contact your class rep if you can assist.



Fri 27th - Grade 2 (Nat)



Fri 3rd - Grade 3 (Sarah D)

Fri 10th - Grade 4 (Georgie)