Events for Term Four
Public Speaking - Commences Wednesday 4th October
As part of our extra curricular offerings at St Agnes’, today our Year 5 and 6 students commenced the public speaking program. This is a weekly Wednesday session with external expert Sandra De Geest, who has been working with St Agnes’ students for some time. Public speaking is now offered annually in both Year 5 and 6, with a uplift of skills and expectations from one year to the next. This year, the focus is on debating and skills of persuasion.
2024 Prep Orientation
This year, we have three orientation sessions for our 2024 Prep Class. The next session is Wednesday 25th October and again will run from 9am-11am in the Prep classroom. Further information has been communicated directly to the 2024 Prep families.
Prep to Year 4 Swimming Program - Commences Monday 16th October
Students from Prep to Year 4 will head to Toby Haenen Swim Centre for a two week swimming program. Please check Operoo and Class Newsletters for more detail.
School Advisory Council Meetings
The last School Advisory Council for 2023 will be held on Tuesday 21st November at 7.30pm - Annual General Meeting (All welcome)
2024 Prep Parent Information Night - Tuesday 31st October
This important parent information session will be held in the Prep classroom from 7.30pm. School staff will share important information regarding the commencement of school.
Year 4 Summit Camp - Wednesday 1st to Friday 3rd November
Our Year 4 students will head to Summit Camp (Trafalgar East) for a two night overnight stay from Wednesday 1st to Friday 3rd November. More information to follow via Operoo.
Melbourne Cup Long Weekend
The school will be closed over the Melbourne Cup Long Weekend - Saturday 4th to Tuesday 7th November (inclusive). We hope St Agnes’ families enjoy the family time before a busy lead into Christmas.
Year 3/4 Parish Mass - Friday 10th November
The Year 3/4 children will participate in Parish Mass on Friday 10th November at 9am. All parents and families are welcome to join this mass. It is a nice opportunity for all of our middle school students to celebrate mass together after sacraments earlier this year.
Year 3 Zoo Snooze Camp - Monday 13th to Tuesday 14th November
Our Year 3 students will head to Melbourne Zoo for an overnight stay - Zoo Snooze. A night walk through the Zoo to check out the elephants is one of the may highlights of this camp. More information to follow via Operoo.
Parents and Friends Committee Annual General Meeting - Tuesday 14th November
All parents are invited to attend the Parents & Friends Committee Annual General Meeting at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th November. There will be opportunities to get involved in the P&F and I urge all parents to consider taking up a role.
Year 3/4 Hooptime Regional Finals - Wednesday 15th November
Our successful Year 3/4 All Star Boys Basketball team will head back to the Regional Hooptime finals on Monday 15th November. More information to follow.
Grange Road Kinder Visits - Wednesday 15th & Thursday 16th November
We are excited to welcome Kinder children to visit our school on Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th November. The Kinder children will spend time with our Year 4 and current Prep children.
Book Fair - Monday 20th - Thursday 23rd November
During this week, there will be a Book Stall set up in the Year 5 classroom, providing the opportunity for students to explore and purchase new literature for home reading. Instilling a love of reading in our children from a young age is a key responsibility of ours as parents. Parents and grandparents are welcome to explore the range of books on offer. Think Christmas gifts!
Grandparents' Day - Thursday 23rd November
On Thursday 23rd November, we invited all grandparents and special friends to a whole school morning of celebration. It will commence with a Liturgy in the Church at 9am and followed by shared morning tea in the classrooms, where children can introduce their grandparents to teachers, friends and share some of their best school work.
School Closure Day (2024 Staff Planning) - Monday 27th November
The school will be closed on Monday 27th November for staff to plan for the 2024 school year.
St Agnes’ School Swimming Carnival - Tuesday 28th November
Excitingly, for the first time, our school will host a St Agnes’ Swimming Carnival on Tuesday 28th November at BlueFit Swimming School, Tulip Street Sandringham. We will likely require parental assistance at this event and further details will be communicated closer to the day.
Year 5/6 Open Water Program - Thursday 30th November - Friday 1st December
Our senior students head off to Mordialloc Surf Life Saving Club for an open-water swimming program. More information to follow.
iSeaiCare Dolphin Swim - Tuesday 5th December
As part of our student leadership program, a small group of Environment Leaders will head to the Mornington Peninsula for a swim with Dolphins. This is part of the iSea iCare ambassador program to fight pollution in Port Phillip Bay.
Year Six Luna Park Excursion - Wednesday 6th December
Our Year Six students and staff will head to Luna Park for their day of celebration on Wednesday 6th December. More information to follow.
St Agnes’ Christmas Carols evening - Thursday 7th December
All families are invited to attend our Christmas Carols evening from 6.30pm on Thursday 7th December. It is a picnic style event and all family members are welcome. As it is a production year, this carols event will be more ‘low key’ than last year!
2024 Orientation Day - Friday 8th December
Students will spend the morning with their 2024 classroom teacher on Friday 8th December. This is an opportunity to form vital teacher/students relationships.
End of Semester Reports - Friday 8th December
Semester Two Reports will be made available online through nForma Parent Portal and a hardcopy will also be sent home on this day.
Year 6 Final Assembly - Wednesday 13th December
The Year 6 Final Assembly will be held at the usual time on Wednesday 13th December. This will be a light-hearted, special assembly focused on sharing of memories of times at St Agnes’.
Year 6 Final Day - Thursday 14th December
The Year Six students will finish for the year on Thursday 14th December at 3.25pm. Parents will be invited into the classrooms for the last hour of the day, before the children are dismissed for the final time.
End of Year/Graduation Liturgy - Thursday 14th December at 6pm.
We gather as a whole school to mark the end of the 2023 school year and celebrate our Graduating Class of 2023 at a Liturgy held in the church. All students from Prep to Year 6 are expected to attend and wear their full summer school uniform. Graduation celebrations for the Year 6 students and their parents will follow in the hall.
Final day for Prep to Year 5 - Friday 15th December
The school year concludes for Prep to Year 5 on Friday 15th December at 1.30pm.
Important Dates for 2024
- Monday 29th January - Staff return
- Tuesday 30th January - Year 1 to Year 6 student commence
- Thursday 1st February - Prep students commence
- Wednesday 31st January to Friday 2nd February - Year 5/6 Arrabri Camp