Our SAC meets termly and is here to represent the parent community. Please contact them if you wish to bring something to the attention of the Council or to discuss your ideas or thoughts about ways to add to our community.



Please see below for the Chair's report from the last meeting on the 14th of November.


Chairperson: Joe Greco, parent of Antonina (2N)  


Secretary: Angela Flint 


Principal: Denise Hussey  


Parish Priest: Fr Nicholas Pearce  


School Representative: Angela Flint


Parish Representative: Connie Magro  


School Representatives:


Jane Rocca, parent of Estelle (3/4LK)  


Mark Triat, parent of George (5/6G), Olanna (3/4E), and Ivan (2FS)     


Tom Cosic, parent of Ajdin (3/4LK) and Mia (1D)    


Christos Pavlidis, parent of Gregory (2FS) and Alexander (PrepL)  


Angelo Calafati, parent of Nico (1D) 


Chair's Report 


In our recent SAC meeting, Denise treated us to some lovely photos and shared her experiences about her trip overseas. The trip looked fantastic and from what Denise described, was just a truly moving experience. During the time that Denise was away, Angela filled in as Acting Principal. From the SAC we thank you for your efforts.


You will have noticed a number of great activities St Michaels is having to finish off the year. Hopefully parents can attend and enjoy the festivities, some of which require some volunteers to make the events successful. Just go to Operoo or class Dojo to see the upcoming events and either chat to Fiona or the team in the office to volunteer.


Which brings me to the parents and friends committee. Once again we will be looking for parents to help out with all the fund raising activities for 2024. These fundraisers help ensure St Michaels can provide the students with extracurricular activities and equipment and ultimately help keep fees down to a minimum.

So keep an eye out on the schedule of events that will be advertised for 2024. Hopefully you will be able to organise your yearly schedule to help out.


As you will have noticed, as of January 2024, TheirCare will be providing the Outside School Hours Care services for students at St Michaels. The decision to change providers was not taken lightly. We thank YLV for their years of service, but we feel the change will better suit the needs of our families.


For all the grade 6s, we hope you have been able to achieve to the best of your abilities over the last 7 years at St Michaels and we wish you well for all your new adventures at new schools in Year 7.


As Christmas is fast approaching, I would like to thank all the St Michaels staff for providing a great learning and enjoyable environment for our children.

For the teachers that will be leaving St Michael’s at the end of the year we wish you well and hope you succeed in your new roles.

And for all the new teachers either returning or starting at St Michaels in 2024, there is plenty of welcoming support from the all the team to enable you to find your feet and succeed at St Michaels.


I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.


Joe Greco

SAC Chair