Hello, from Carolyn.
Hello everyone,
What a fabulous time our students had at the discos last week. We had nearly every students attend- amazing! A very big thank you to all our Parents and Friends members who organised and ran the event. Whole school events such as these are always successful when you have a wonderful group of people supporting our students and school and making it happen. Thank you Parents & Friends group, you are important members of our school community and we appreciate what you do!
Our Monday assemblies this term have been focussing on responsibility, one of our school values. We have discussed where do we show that we can be responsible- everywhere! Who do we have a responsibility to- the people around us and especially to ourselves. This week we watched a short video that gave the scenario of a child wanting to go and play at a friend's house, however, they hadn't tidied their room and that was the arrangement with their grown up "Tidy your room first, and then you can go and play." In the video, the child became very upset and told their mum that it was her fault he couldn't go and play. At assembly, we discussed, whose fault was it? Some of our students agreed, the mum was responsible for the child not being able to go and play. Others said that the child was responsible for what had happened as they hadn't tidied their room, that was the child's responsibility. The presenter on the video used the language "I am responsible for me." We finished our assembly by talking about how our students can be responsible for themselves at school; in our learning spaces and in our yard, and the importance of taking responsibility for your choices. We support all our students to learn how to be responsible and encourage them to make choices and decisions that help them to be their best.
Bendigo Show display.
Sheridan Leversha has been supporting our students to create the most wonderful display for the Bendigo Show, and has been working with our 5/6 students to bake delicious goodies to enter into the baking section of the show, and, there are LOTS of blue ribbons for our school and students!! If you visit the show over the weekend, head to the art displays and baking competition area and admire our students' fabulous work1 A very big thank you to Sheridan for the extra work in having all these items ready, transported to the show and then setting them up.
Student free days this term.
Bendigo Cup on Wednesday 1 November is a public holiday.
warm regards,
School banking details.
Bendigo Violet Street Primary
BSB: 033-688
Account number: 93-1292
Payment reference: use your surname and fees.