Sport News

Ms Taylar Puskaric| Year 3 Teacher & Representative Sport Coordinator

Miss Belle Reid | Sports Teacher

2023 Sports Awards

Congratulations to Anson V and Zac B who were recipients of the 2023 SCS Sports Award. The ceremony was held to recognise their high level of sporting achievements during the year. We are beyond proud of these boys. Well done!

NSW CPS Sports Awards

Our Lady of Fatima was honoured to host the inaugural NSW CPS Sports Awards on Monday 13th November. The Awards Ceremony acknowledged the outstanding achievements of all New South Wales primary students (MacKillop and Polding) in their chosen sport. Felicity B was a recipient of the NSWCPS Award for her involvement in the Touch Football Team who was awarded the Team of the Year Award. We congratulate Felicity on this fantastic achievement!


Conference 3 Cricket

Congratulations to Taj D from Year 5 who recently competed at the Conference 3 Cricket trial. Taj was one of the athletes selected to continue his pathway representation and will compete at the Sydney trial. We congratulate Taj on this great result and wish him the best of luck for the next stage of competition!






Ms Taylar Puskaric | Year 3 Teacher & Rep. Sport Coordinator