News from our 

Assistant Principal

Louise Gordon

Semester Two Reports

Semester Two student reports will be sent out to parents at the end of Week Nine, Friday 8th December  via the school based web system COMPASS. 


Parents of Year Six students are reminded to print a copy of their child’s report before the end of the year as their profile data is not transferred to their high school.


Parents, this is a special time for you to praise the efforts of your child for the school year. The level of effort a child puts into their work is important to acknowledge in addition to the level of performance grade awarded. Praise this where appropriate. Comparative tables for grades Year 1 - Year 6 will be available from the office from Monday 11th December.


Parents if you require an interview in regards to your child’s report please contact your class teacher via email to organise a suitable time.

 School Uniform

Students are reminded to wear their school hats daily, especially with the warmer weather we are experiencing. Our school policy is ‘no hat no play’ and no participating in a sport lesson.  Correct sports socks are also to be worn with black or white sports shoes.  

Swimming Carnival

Our annual school Swimming Carnival will be held on Friday 24th November at Caringbah Leisure Centre for students in Years 2-5. This event is classified as a normal school day and all students are expected to attend. Students are to arrive at school as normal in the morning and will be escorted to the venue. 


We look forward to parents volunteering their assistance at this event. 

There will be a school-based Working With Children induction session for any parents wishing to volunteer as helpers on Wednesday 22nd November commencing at 2.45pm.


Kindergarten and Year One students will participate in fun and fitness activities on this day organised by our Year Six students.   

Carline Safety Reminder

With the many events that occur during the weeks leading up to the end of the year, safety rules must be followed especially when using carlines.


Please review the following important safety rules when using the carline facility:

*DO NOT open car boots this is a safety hazard. Please have your child’s/children’s bags in the vehicle


*Please remind your child/children not to walk between cars after exiting the car and to use the pedestrian crossing at all times. Please note that walking between cars is extremely dangerous


*Display the family name in large, clear letters on the dashboard for easy identification at pick up


*For ease of traffic flow please drive down to the second speed hump when directed


*Do not stop over the pedestrian crossing


*Parents are not permitted to park in the school administration carpark or the staff  car park

No Nuts/No Lollies 

Parents, please be reminded that Our Lady of Fatima is an allergy aware school and promotes health eating habits. With many of our students having a variety of allergies, we request that lolly bags, chocolates, nuts, nut products etc are not sent to school for morning tea, lunch or birthdays.


In addition with the Christmas season still weeks away we ask that students not give out candy canes over the next couple of weeks. Students can give Christmas cards but please refrain from giving candy canes.

Assembly News

There will be NOassembly on Friday 24th November (Week 7), and our last assembly for the year will be on Friday, 8th December Week 9.

Caringbah Library Notice

Note to parents: Caringbah Library will be CLOSED for renovations from 20-27th November 2023, please consider this in your plans if your child walks to the Library for after-school pick up.







Mrs Louise Gordon | Assistant Principal