A Message from the Principal

Mrs Pauline Long

Fun at the Colour Run!

The Colour Run held last Sunday was a tremendous success; with a great response from our community.  The weather was perfect and the students certainly had fun. I also thoroughly enjoyed shooting the slime! Thank you to all the helpers who made this event possible, especially to the committee led by Jenni Hird which included Michelle Cortis, Amanda Bartholomew, Lisa Azzopardi and Ashleigh Stevenson. 



This term all students are working towards a Skipping Showcase on Wednesday 29th November at 9.00am. Students will display their skills for our community. Learning new tricks takes time and perseverance (a worthwhile skill for all). I encourage the students to practise at home so we bought a limited number of ropes to be sold which parents can purchase through Compass by going to the Canteen section- then select Uniforms and scroll down and you will see the skipping ropes. There are two sizes available: 2.1m for $4.00 or 2.4m for $4.20. The Year ¾ students, pictured below, are really having fun improving their skills.

PAT Assessment 

This week students from Year 1 to Year 6 will be involved in PAT Assessments for Mathematics and Reading. The results are analysed carefully by teachers and used to show student learning growth. They also inform teachers which students need extra help and highlight any areas we need to focus on as school. 


Have a happy and healthy week

Pauline Long
