Hello, from the Music room

Respect, Responsibility and Kindness

Choir News


Hello families of choir students. I wanted to quickly update you on what's happening with choir visits this term:

  • We will not be performing at Eaglehawk Children's Festival, as I didn't receive enough positive expressions of interest (we need at least 20 students to make it a viable option). 
  • Our visit to Estia Health Aged Care will go ahead as scheduled on Thursday November 9; students only attend if they have returned their permission slips. 
  • Choir will likely be on a break for four weeks during LARP (Leisure and Recreational Pursuits) and we'll have our final sessions together following that. 

This year has been an absolute blast with so many students interested in singing that I needed to run two choirs. Thanks everyone for your support to date and keep on singing!