Hello, from Carolyn.

Respect, responsibility and kindness

Hello everyone,


Help us identify unwanted and replacement behaviours.

You might recall that in Term 1 this year we had our school review. One of the recommendations from the review was to improve the way we manage behaviour at our school, this recommendation was due to feedback from staff, students and parents/carers that we currently don’t have consistent expectations or follow up. Last week and this week, staff and students are brainstorming places in our school where unwanted behaviours happen, e.g. on the oval, what the unwanted behaviour is e.g. shouting at someone, and what the replacement behaviour would be e.g. “We speak respectfully to others” or “We speak kindly to others.”


We hope you will help us with this important work!  

Here is a link to a Google form, https://forms.gle/VVLoLNHy36cBmwK7A   

On the form you can record an unwanted behaviour and what the replacement behaviour would be. Please record one behaviour per form. If there are more behaviours you would like to tell us about, just click on the ‘submit another form’ button once you have pressed ‘submit’ and you will be able to record another behaviour. 

If you could get your ideas to us by end of the day Monday 6th November, that would be very helpful.

Thank you so much! I am very appreciative of you taking the time to help us with this important whole school improvement work.


Chinese Language competition.

Well done to all our students who participated in the 2023 Chinese Language competition here in Bendigo. Our students demonstrated courage and perseverance in singing and performing in front of hundreds of parents and students. We are so proud of the way they represented our school.

Congratulations to-

2nd Place in G5-6 group singing 

Saoirse, Hadley and Luelle.


Participated in G3-4 group singing competition 

Henil and Finn W.


Participated in G1-2 group singing competition 

Dakota and Islay K.


2024 planning.

Soon we start our transition process for 2024 Foundation students. It is always an exciting time meeting our new students and their families and helping them to settle in. This year we have our Parents & Friends group to support the process too. P&F will be running an after school BBQ on Tuesday 14th November- everyone is welcome to attend (see the Parents & Friends page in the newsletter for more information).

Planning for 2024 is also underway. If you know that your child won't be continuing with us, please let me know asap. 

Here is a link to our 'Class Placement' policy. It is important that you are familiar with it as it explains our process for placing students in classes.

warm regards,




School banking details.


Bendigo Violet Street Primary

BSB: 033-688

Account number: 93-1292

Payment reference: use your surname and fees.