
Infants Class Awards

Congratulations to the following students who received a class award at Friday's assembly:


KH - Scarlett Hyland and Luca Cattanach

KT - Fox Hornby and Lachlan Sharpe

1L - Lucy Stein and Oden Laurie

1D - Gideon McKay and Heidi Stone

2H - Tanna Seager

2B - Taz Tweddle and Sienna Backhouse

Primary Class Awards

Congratulations to the following students who received a class award at Friday's assembly:


2/3RM - Ace Williams and Andre Sullivan

3P - (Camp)

3N - (Camp)

4S - (Camp)

4G - (Camp)

5M - Isla Williams and Attila Sullivan

5B - Alijah Brown and Lyla Ekert 

6G - Nina Millhouse and Frankie Hann

6D - Mia Ryan and Sebastian Abercrombie