Principal's Report

Principal's Message
Last night we welcomed Toormina High School Principal Paul Humphrey and Toormina High School P and C President Sonja Lacey to our Boambee P and C meeting. It was a valued opportunity to talk with Mr Humphrey and ask questions about our public school pathways.
As part of our strategic planning Boambee Public School is partnering with Toormina High School to develop a comprehensive transition program beginning much earlier in primary school. This partnership will result in more consistent teaching practices across our schools and provide our students and families with increased involvement within Toormina High School.
Classes 2024
We have now begun setting up class structures and allocating your children to specific classes in the coming weeks. If your circumstances for 2024 are changing, please notify the school so that our class structures can be developed with accurate information.
Bongil Bongil Public Speaking Competition
Our Boambee Public School students were exceptional at the Bongil Bongil Public Speaking competition last week. Boambee students took 5 of the 8 potential placings on the day.
Congratulations to Heidi and Thomas for their outstanding speeches in the Stage 3 Bongil Bongil Public Speaking competition. Both presented well prepared and delivered speeches and made us very very proud!
Indiana Browett came first in the Early Stage 1 competition and Harper Long came second. Kruze Barden came first in the Stage 1 competition. A special mention to Frankie Baker who spoke beautifully as a Year 1 student competing against Year 2 students.
Congratulations to Ezra Keipert and Aurora Alam, Ezra winning first place and Aurora coming in runners-up! Special mention to Toormina High School for judging and Toormina Public School for hosting. Anita Milne the fabulous Toormina High School English teacher and national level debating coach led the team of judges consisting of Toormina High School student leaders Jack Jones and Eva Smith.
Stage 3 Sport
Stage 3 Term 4 sport began last week, we are so blessed to be part of such a wonderful school community where our teachers work so hard to provide exciting and fulfilling opportunities like this.
Roofing Works
Our students and staff are to be congratulated on how they have responded to the roofing works taking place in the school. As more and more sections are worked on we are losing more and more space, combine this with oval repair work and nesting plovers it has been quite disruptive.
Our students and staff have responded exceptionally well to this challenge, displaying resilience and patience.
2024-2027 Strategic Planning
Within our current Strategic Improvement Plan (SIP) we have prioritised teacher curriculum expertise and student wellbeing. Achieving significant success in both areas over the past 3 years.
The key action within strategic direction 1 was the development of our Professional Learning Community (PLC). Teachers meet for a full day as a stage level team, 3 times per team to work through a rigorous and structured professional learning cycle.
At the end of every PLC day, every team completes a reflection tool. Below is the 2023 PLC Reflection Tool feedback from our teachers for the question regarding "curriculum expertise". This table shows 100% of responses being "agree" or "strongly agree" across 9 survey cycles, (180 responses over the year).
As we lead into our situational analysis and a new Strategic Improvement Plan (SIP) in 2024, this is the kind of data we will use to determine our next strategic investments.
Currently this data suggests that there would be no need to change this major focus, at least for 2024 whilst we are learning our new curriculum. As I begin consultation on the next SIP, I encourage you to reflect on our progress as a school, and any suggestions, questions, or ideas that you have. There will be opportunities for consultations throughout Term 4, 2023 and Term 1, 2024. Or... just give me a call to discuss on 66531107, I would be genuinely excited to discuss our strategic work at Boambee Public School.
Principal Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a Principal Award at Friday's assembly:
Isabelle Bathgate - 5M
Consistently being a role model in class as an active learner. (Class PBL focus)
Isabella Strevens - 2B
Outstanding determination, growth and achievement in writing.
Liliana (Lily) Arnott - KH
Outstanding achievement writing compound sentences.
Declan Rountree - KH
Declan has a positive and eager attitude towards his learning. He has a great attitude when faced with a challenge and is always willing to 'have a go'.
Declaration for Child Related Work
It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school, please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.