
News from the Career and Pathways HUB

Information for Year 12 students and families

Year 12s are now busy preparing for their exams and I wish them the very best over the coming weeks. Last week I sent them all some important information about things happening over the coming months. Parents of Year 12 students can find this information here. The PowerPoint referred to in the information can be found here.


Careers education for prep-year 6 students

I have recently added resources on HT Connect that cater for students and families from Years prep- 6. While that may seem too early to be career planning, research shows that having discussions from a young age help children understand their strengths and interests, allow them to know what options are available to them and help to reduce gender stereotypes developing. This ultimately increases awareness and opportunities and reduces stress and anxiety when crucial decision time comes. Please find activities and conversation cards that can be used by families with younger children on HT Connect here.


Resources available for careers planning

As a careers practitioner, one of my main roles is to empower students and their families with knowledge and the ability to seek relevant information about future pathway options. Many parents that I meet with are surprised at the range of resources that are available nowadays to support their child’s career education and planning. Some excellent websites that are freely available to support this process for students and families alike include:

  • Career targets - one of my favourite resources, these allow you to select a favourite school subject and explore the range of careers that may be related. Click on the ideas around the circle and you will be able to find out more information, including projected future growth, average salary and the type of person that would suit that career.
  • Your Career – this website provides many resources including a quick quiz to find career options that suit your interests, work style and future goals, links to find out more information about a range of career options and up to date labour market information.
  • My Future – while free, this website requires you to set up an account. Once set up, users have access to activities and quizzes to help identify interests, values and skills, explore occupations and industries and read career stories to increase understanding.
  • Morrisby - for students in Years 10 and above, logging in to your Morrisby profile is an excellent way to research career ideas that may suit your aptitudes and interest areas. You are able to provide parental access to your Morrisby profile, so that parents can explore the available resources as well.  
  • VTAC Course Search – explore tertiary course options in Victoria and find out what you need to do to be offered a place.


Upcoming events

Things have quietened down at the tertiary institutions, but the following opportunities are coming up

What’s on?

Relevant to:


Further information and registration

Take to the Skies – a day focusing on aviation careers for women

Females aged 12 and above

Sunday 29th October

RSVP here

Monash Peninsula experience day

Year 10 and 11 students

Thursday 23rd November

Register here


Please also keep up to date with information on the Careers and Pathways page on HT Connect, and particularly the weekly careers newsletter, which is uploaded each Friday. 


Ms Alison Howard
Career Pathways Advisor