Senior School News

The end is in sight!

Mathematics: Our mathematical learning isn't slowing down as the year draws to a close. In Year 6, we have moved onto angles, learning about complementary and supplementary angles and how to calculate unknown angles within a triangle and on a straight line. We will be concluding our angles unit today with an online escape room. In Year 5, pupils covered chance and probability last week and this week they have been diligently refining their multiplication skills to ensure fluency in preparation for their transition to Year 6.


English: In English, our regular programme continues, albeit with some modifications due to swimming sessions. Our Year 6 students continue to have a weekly genre focus for their memory books; in the past two weeks, they have explored newspaper articles and poetry. Our Year 5 students have been diligently working on writing syntax, fluency, and spelling mastery.


Topic: Both Year 5 and Year 6 students have continued our geography unit focusing on the world's first people. Our students had the opportunity to learn about and conduct their own further research on the history, location, and customs of indigenous cultures in Asia and around the globe.



Extras: We have concluded our end-of-year testing. Our students have demonstrated remarkable endurance during tests covering all areas of Mathematics and English – they deserve commendation for their efforts. 


Grade 5 Leadership and Fernhill Visits:

Our Year 5 students are well into their leadership programme, preparing captaincy videos for roles next year. I eagerly anticipate seeing the final products! They have also continued their weekly visits to Fernhill Nursing Home where they participate in intergenerational community engagement activities. 

Swimming has commenced, and our students have exhibited exceptional maturity during these sessions. They have been divided into different groups according to their initial skill level and participate in a 45-minute session from Tuesday to Friday. This schedule will also continue throughout the following week.

Our Year 6 students are nearly finished with their yearbook preparation. They have worked hard creating profile pages and additional memory pages to remember their time at Sacred Heart. We have one final week of memory book drafts before the students prepare the hardcopy memory book the following week here at school. We encourage our Year 6 students to bring in any photos from these years that they'd like to include in their memory book.

Reminder: all Year 6 students are required to provide a copy of their professional prep school photo and Year 6 photo to their classroom teacher, either in digital or hard copy format, for use during Graduation night.


We hope you all enjoy the upcoming long weekend, and we're looking forward to the final few weeks of Term 4! 


Until next time,

Jayne Mckay

Senior Leader