Dear Parents and Carers,
Remembrance Day Service.
Last week all students from Years 7-10 attended an assembly for our Remembrance Day Service. Proceedings were led by members of the College Student Representative Council with our special guest, Wing Commander Daryl Topp, who shared some stories with our students that offered insight into the history of Remembrance Day and the conditions in which Australian soldiers found themselves during World War I.
It was very impressive to see all our students show such a high level respect to our speakers and follow our new assembly protocols so well. And I’d like to thank our SRC members who spoke in front of their peers with such confidence and maturity. Well done to everyone involved.
Year 12 Exams.
This week, we host the last VCE exams for 2023, marking the end of the academic year for our Year 12 VCE students.
Conducting exams on our school site requires considerable organisation from our Year 12 leaders. I’d like to thank Alex Brown, Krystal Ross and Rachel Barney for managing this work. I’d also like to thank all the Year 12 students who have now completed their exams for their commitment to their studies. Well done!
Attendance and Engagement.
As we enter the final weeks of Term 4, it is often tempting for students to start ‘winding down’ as they see the end of the year drawing nearer. It is important that we, parents and teachers, work together to ensure that all our students are connecting and engaging at school right up until their final day.
This week our Year 11 students will start their Headstart program where they will commence studies in their 2024 subjects. For our students in Years 7-10, they have this week to finalise assessment tasks prior to commencing their Headstart program in the coming weeks.
Our teachers are ensuring that our young people have interesting and relevant learning programs right up until the end of the year. All students are expected to be at school engaged in learning until their final day.
Thank you and take care.
Shane Elevato
Acting Principal.